Total Patents Filed :: 147 | Patents Published :: 147 | Patents Granted :: 22 |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202441016033 | Nanostructured catalysts for enhanced hydrogen production via steam methane reforming | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K.Ramesh Chandra, Dr.D.N.V.Satyanarayana, Dr.K.Sobha, Dr.G.Kavitha | Published |
2 | 202341072070 | Novel membrane technology for selective separation of Azeotropic mixtures in pharmaceutical manufacturing | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. Ch. V. Subrahmanyam, Dr. P. Rohinikumar , Mrs. J L Jayanthi, Dr. G. Kavitha | Published |
3 | 202241010460 | Formulation of Natural Product Based, Economic, Effective and Ecofriendly Low Foaming Cleansing Liquid for Soft Textiles and Metal Surfaces | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K. Sobha, Dr. M. Sudheera, Dr. Ch. V. Subrahmanyam, Dr. K. Ramesh Chandra, Dr. Dnv Satyanarayana, Dr. P. Rohinikumar, Mrs. J L Jayanthi, Mr. K. Sivaprasada Rao, Dr. G. Kavitha, | Published |
4 | 202241004005 | Formulation and Methods for The Preparation of Herbal Medicated Transparent Soap | Dr. C.V.Subrahmanyam, Dr. K.Ramesh Chandra, Dr. D.N.V Satyanarayana, Dr.P.Rohinikumar, Smt. J.L.Jayant, Sri K.Siva Prasada Rao , Dr. G. Kavitha | Published |
5 | 202141054651 | Method for Microfabrication of One-Dimensional (1D) Photonic Crystal Layered Point-of-Care Device for Detection of Biomarker(S) of Renal Dysfunction | Dr. K.Sobha, Dr. S.Radhika, D.Pradeep, K. Sai Vivek, Dr. K.Surendranath, Dr. K.Karteeka Pavan, Dr. J.V.Satyanarayana, Dr. Sameer Kumar Devarakonda, Dr. Tata Nancharaiah, D Swapna | Published |
6 | 202141014102 | Automatic Inlet and Outlet Control Device for Overhead Service Reservoirs in Multi Village Water Supply System | Vadlamudi Sree Srinivas, Dr. G.Kavitha | Published |
7 | 202141003721 | Solar Desalination Plant | Vadlamudi Sree Srinivas, Dr G.Kavitha | Published |
8 | 202041052202 | Smart-Dre-M: Biopolymer Composite Based Nano-Fibrous Wound Dressing Material | Dr. K. Sobha, Dr. C. V.Subrahmanyam, Dr. K. Ramesh Chandra, Dr. D. N. V. Satyanarayana, Dr. P. Rohini Kumar, Smt. J. Lakshmi Jayanthi, Sri. K. Siva Prasada Rao, Smt. M. Sudheera, Dr. G. Kavitha, | Published |
9 | 202341066960 | Novel Cable Operated Lightweight and Flexible Prosthetic Hand | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: G.Bharani Vishnu, M.V.P.Chandra Sekhara Rao, K.Sobha, S. Radhika, B.Trinadh, B.Srinivasulu, A. Jesse, K.Venkatasai Kalyani, V.Vsrivalli | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202441002984 | Advanced Earthquake Resistant Building Design with Shape Memory Alloys | R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, Dr.J.Usha Kranti, S.V.Satyanarayana, Dr.B.Kesava Rao, G.Sanijya | Published |
2 | 202341079584 | Deep Monitoring System to Forecast Defects in A Building and Provide Alerts to Builders | R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering, , Dr.L.N.K.Sai Madupu, Dr.B.Krishna Chaitanya, N.Tejaswini, P.Sri Lakshmi | Published |
3 | 202341058342 | Self-Healing Concrete with Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: N.Venkata Sairam Kumar, P.Samatha Chowdary, Y.Madhavi, R.Vaishnava Kumar | Published |
4 | 382496-001 | Touch Controlled Concrete Hardness Testing Device | Dr. A.H.L.Swaroop, Dr. A.N.Swaminathen, Venkada Priya, Ramineni Surendra Babu, Dr. Dhanasekar K., Dr. K.Mohan das | Granted |
5 | 202241013632 | Automated Inspection of Transmission Lines/Cell Tower using Virtual Reality | Sajja Krishna Kishore, Dr. J Ushakranti, Dr. Murali Dhar M S, M Jagadeesh Chandra Prasad, Shwetha Sirikonda, G. Srilakshmi, Naresh Kumar Sripada, Sand | Published |
6 | 202141059795 | Non-Pozzolanic Filler Material for Improving The Flexural Strength of Concrete | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.N.Venkata Sairam Kumar, K S Vivek, Dr.A.Srinivasa Prasad, Mr.P.V.S.Maruthi Krishna, Mr.R.Surendra Babu, Mr.M.L.N.Krishna Sai, Mr.S.V.Satyanarayana, Mr.M.Srikanth Kumar, Mr.K.Leela Krishna, Ms.Y.Madhavi | Published |
7 | 202141056411 | Method And System For Providing Machine Learning (Ml) Model For Assessing Corrosion And Durability Of Materials In Real Time To Assist Civil Constructions | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K. Rambabu, Dr.Ch.Rama Krishna, Dr.M.Murali, Dr.P.Venkateswara Rao, Dr.M.Srinivasa Rao, Dr.N.Srinivasa Rao, Dr.P.Samatha Chowdary, Ms.N.Tejaswini, Mr.Gunnam Sanijya, Mr. Yenigandla Naga Mahesh | Published |
8 | 202041057020 | Method for Compressive Strength Determination of Crushed Rock Concrete | Dr.N.Venkata Sairam Kumar , Dr.K.S.Sai Ram, Dr.M.Rama Rao, Dr.A.Srinivasa Prasad, R.Surendra Babu , M.L.N.Krishna Sai , S.V.Satyanarayana , R.Vaishnava Kumar , Dr.B.Krishna Chaitanya , Y.Madhavi | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202341075834 A | NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING-POWERED CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT PLATFORM FOR ENHANCING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao,, Dr. T. Anuradha, Mr. M. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. Lakshmikanth Paleti | Published |
2 | 202141051612 | A System for Tagging IoT Device Based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Method Thereof | Dr. Nagesh Deevi, Dr. N.Subash, Dr. K. Mallikarjuna Lingam, Mrs. Neha Thakur, Mrs. G. Vaidehi, Mrs. Patibandla Anitha, Dr. Arunkumar Madupu, K. Subramanyam, Dr. Sushma Jaiswal, Dr. Pankaj Singh | Published |
3 | 202041055178 | A Generic Framework for Social Feedback Analysis for Organizational Growth | Dr. Kathula Kranthi Kumar, Amedapu Srinivas, Mannava Yesu Babu, M. Charan Babu, K. Srinivasa Rao, Brahmanaidu Kakarla | Published |
4 | 202041050678 | ACDN -Object Detection System: Automatic Object Detection System With Image Classification And Deep Neural Networks | Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Ayyagari Sri Nagesh, Dr.Naramala Venkateswara Rao, M.Srikanth, Dr.B.Varaprasada Rao, Dr.Ch.Sudhasree, Dr.B.Prasanthi, K.Siva Kumar, E.Ramesh, M.Brahmaiah | Published |
5 | 202041047143 | ISAFE-DNN : Intelligent System for Assisting Fire Egression using Deep Neural Networks | Dr.Aparna Chaparla, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Radhika Sajja, Dr.R. Lakshmi Tulasi, V.S.J.R.K. Padminivalli, M.Vasavi, Neha Krishna Dasari | Published |
6 | 202041033146 | Speech Emotion Recognition : Speech Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning | Dr.Bonam Janakiramaiah, Dr.Gadupudi Kalyani, Dr.Karuna Arava, Dr.Jayalakshmi Aravapalli, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Narayana Satyala | Published |
7 | 202241012029 | Method and System for Providing An Intelligent Collision Detection System for Determing Accelartion and Velocity of Vehicles and Altering Surround Users | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. A.Srinagesh, Dr. Ch.Sudha Sree, M Vasavi, P Rama Krishna, Dr. B.Prasanthi, P Siva Prasad, B Manasa, K Aravinda | Published |
8 | 202041056720 | Constructing Dynamic Clustering Rdf Datasets Using Query Provenance In Linked Data | Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao, K. Srinivasa Rao, Yaswanth Kumar Alapati, B.Satish Babu, G.Swetha, I.Naga Padmaja, Maturi Sreerama Murthy | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202341089257 | Method and System for Providing Quantum Computing Architecture with Error Correction Mechanisms | Dr.A.Srinagesh, M.Brahmaiah, E.Ramesh P.Siva Prasad | Published |
2 | 202341066958 | Method and System for Implementing Blockchain- Based Secure Identity Verification Protocol | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. R. Lakshmi Tulasi, K. Siva Kumar, S J R K Padminivalli V, P. Rama Krishna | Published |
3 | 202311044694 | Deep Learning Models to Study and Analyse The Chatgpt and Its Impact on Different Fields | Davinder Kumar, Dr.A.Naveen, Dr.A.Sasi Kumar, Dr.P.S.Aithal, Subharun Pal, Aby John, Dr. Jagdish Chand, Dr.Ayyagari Srinagesh, Dr. R. Ablin, Jyoti Kaushal, Paladugu Rama Krishna, Pulicherla Siva Prasad | Published |
4 | 202341025658 | Automated Web Page Layout Design using Genetic Algorithms | Mr.Ch.Ratnababu, Dr. B.Varaprasad Rao, Dr. M.Sreelatha, Mr.E.Ramesh, Mr.K.Siva Kumar, Mr.M.Brahmaiah, Smt. S J R K Padminivalli V, Smt.B.Manasa, Naveen Mukkapati, Mr. N.Chandra Sekhar, Ms. M Maithili Saisree | Published |
5 | 202331015476 | Hybrid Classification Scheme for Plant Disease Recognition and Detection in Image Processing | Achyuta Basak, Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma, Dr. K. Prabha, Nagaraju Mulka, Dr. Joginder Singh, N. Kohila, A.Senthilrajan , Dr.A.Sasi Kumar , Dr. Vijay Kumar Salvia, Dr. D. Kamalakkannan | Published |
6 | 202341011397 | Distributed AI Image Processing & IoT Based Elephant Herd Identification and Detection System | Dr. K.Sasikala , Dr. Anubhav Kumar Prasad, Dr. Sonia.H.Bajaj, Rasika Manoj Rewatkar , Ms. Saniya Bhalerao, Dr. D.Stalin David, Mr. T.Sreenivasalu Reddy , Anuja Shivaji Nalkar | Published |
7 | 202241012029 | Method and System for Providing An Intelligent Collision Detection System for Determing Accelartion and Velocity of Vehicles and Altering Surround Users | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. A.Srinagesh, Dr. Ch.Sudha Sree, M Vasavi, P Rama Krishna, Dr. B.Prasanthi, P Siva Prasad, B Manasa, K Aravinda | Published |
8 | 202241007575 | Design and Analysis of Self-Protection Framework System Integrate with Fog Computing and IoT | Dr. Harikrishna Bommala , Dr. T.S.Karthik, Mrs. N.Vasuki, Dr. S.Kalaivani, Dr. Maithili K, Dr. C.Anand, Dr. S.Deepajothi, Dr C.Thirumalai Selvan, Dr. Siva Shankar S | Published |
9 | 202141056678 | Method for Providing An Intelligent Internet-of-Things (IoT) Based Smart Home Monitoring System. | Dr.B.Varaprasad Rao, Sri.Ch.Ratna Babu, Dr.M.Sree Latha, Sri.K.Siva Kumar, Sri.E.Ramesh, Sri.M.Brahmaiah, Smt.S J R K Padminivalli V, Sri.N.Hanumantha Rao, Smt.B.Manasa, Sri.G.S.Raghavendra | Published |
10 | 202141036913 | A System and A Method for Selection of The Higher Education Course using Artificial Intelligence | Dr.Piyush Kumar Pareek, G.S.Raghavendra, Priya Nandihal, Dr. Suresh M B, Dr.Rashmi L Malghan, Dr Devesh Pratap Singh, Dr.Aditya Pai H | Published |
11 | 202141035033 | Scalable Multi Sensor Networking Protocol to Interface Upcoming Internet of Everything (IoE) Devices | Dr.M.Arun, Prof.(Dr.) Bhagirathi Nayak, Dr. P. K. Santhi, Dr. Suresh Kaswan, Dr. Srinivasa Babu Kasturi, Dr. Nitin Thapar, Dr. K. K. Sharma, Dr. Rajender Boini, Dr. Yogesh Yashwant Pundlik, Indhumathi. G, Dr. Ayyagari Srinagesh, F. Shabina Fred Rishma | Published |
12 | 202121030563 | The System and Method of Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing Approaches in Damage Assessment and Material Evaluation | Dr. Anurag Shrivastava, Khaja Mannanuddin, Dr. K. Murali Krishna, Lakshmi Viveka Kesanapalli, Dr.A.Senthilrajan, Dr. Ayyagari Srinagesh, Mr.Cherukuri Naresh, Pulicherla Siva Prasad, Paladugu Rama Krishna, Prof. Sourav Samanta, Dr. Dilip R, Tulala Rajasanthosh Kumar | Published |
13 | 202041051558 | Secured System to Identify Illegal Disposal of Waste using IoT and Methods | Dr.Santosh Kumar J, Dr.Santosh Kumar J, Dr.Parameshwaraiah P, Dr.Sunanda Dixit, Varalakshmi B D, Dr.Gowrishankar S, R.Kanagavalli, Dr.Chitra Shashidhar, G.S.Raghavendra, Dr.Chetanatukkoji, Dr.Bhagyashri R Hanji, Veeranna Kotagi | Published |
14 | 202041050684 | A Novel Approach For Complaint Prioritization Using Deep Learning | Dr.Aparna Chaparala, Dr. M.Sreelatha, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.R. Lakshmi Tulasi, Ch. Ratna Babu, K.Venkata Ramana, V.S.J.R.K. Padmini Valli, M.Vasavi, K.Aravinda, M.Naveen | Published |
15 | 2020102593 | Flying Vehicle Abetted Additive Manufacturing | Balaji Devarajan, Balaji Devarajan, Priya A.K, Arun M.R, Suganya Priyadharshini G, Ganesan R, Jafrey Daniel James D, Priyadharshini M, Dr.Ayyagari Sri Nagesh | Granted |
16 | 202041035805 | Human Sentiment Analysis: Neural Network-Based Human Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning Programming | Dr.Duggineni Veeraiah, Dr.Duggineni Veeraiah, Dr.Dandajagan Mohan Reddy, Shaikjohny Basha, Mallavalli Sitharam, Santos Kumar Bhagavathi, Zareena Noorbasha | Published |
17 | 202141054027 | Method and System for Implementing Machine Learning (ML) Techniques for Efficiently Managing Stock Trading | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. B.Hemantha Kumar, Dr.M.Pompapathi, Dr.V.Sesha Srinivas, Smt.N.Neelima, Mr.B.Satish Babu, Smt.Z.Sunitha Bai, Ms.Ch.V.Madhavi Lakshimi, Mr.K.Subramanyam, Dr.V.Sujatha Lakshmi | Published |
18 | 202141054063 | Method and System for Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques for Implementing Predictive Analytics in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Smart Farming | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Prof Gatram Rama Mohan Babu, Dr.N.Venkateswara Rao, Smt.M.Vasavi, Smt.S J R K Padminivalli V, Smt.G.Swetha, Smt.I.Naga Padmaja, Mr.B.H.Krishna Mohan, Smt.B.Manasa, Mr.M.Siddardha Kumar, Mr.V.Venkata Srinivasu, Smt.Morsa Chaitanya | Published |
19 | 202041050678 | ACDN -Object Detection System: Automatic Object Detection System With Image Classification And Deep Neural Networks | Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Ayyagari Sri Nagesh, Dr.Naramala Venkateswara Rao, M.Srikanth, Dr.B.Varaprasada Rao, Dr.Ch.Sudhasree, Dr.B.Prasanthi, K.Siva Kumar, E.Ramesh, M.Brahmaiah | Published |
20 | 202041047143 | ISAFE-DNN : Intelligent System for Assisting Fire Egression using Deep Neural Networks | Dr.Aparna Chaparla, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Radhika Sajja, Dr.R. Lakshmi Tulasi, V.S.J.R.K. Padminivalli, M.Vasavi, Neha Krishna Dasari | Published |
21 | 0 | Dr.V.Joshi Manohar, Dr.V.Joshi Manohar, , Mr. G. Bharani Vishnu, Dr. M.V.P.C. Rao, Dr. K. Sobha and Dr. S. Radhika, Mr. G. Bharani Vishnu, Dr. M.V.P.C. Rao, Dr. K. Sobha and Dr. S. Radhika, K.Venkata Ramana, K.Venkata Ramana, | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202141051612 | A System for Tagging IoT Device Based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Method Thereof | Dr. Nagesh Deevi, Dr. N.Subash, Dr. K. Mallikarjuna Lingam, Mrs. Neha Thakur, Mrs. G. Vaidehi, Mrs. Patibandla Anitha, Dr. Arunkumar Madupu, K. Subramanyam, Dr. Sushma Jaiswal, Dr. Pankaj Singh | Published |
2 | 202141054027 | Method and System for Implementing Machine Learning (ML) Techniques for Efficiently Managing Stock Trading | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. B.Hemantha Kumar, Dr.M.Pompapathi, Dr.V.Sesha Srinivas, Smt.N.Neelima, Mr.B.Satish Babu, Smt.Z.Sunitha Bai, Ms.Ch.V.Madhavi Lakshimi, Mr.K.Subramanyam, Dr.V.Sujatha Lakshmi | Published |
3 | 202241012029 | Method and System for Providing An Intelligent Collision Detection System for Determing Accelartion and Velocity of Vehicles and Altering Surround Users | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. A.Srinagesh, Dr. Ch.Sudha Sree, M Vasavi, P Rama Krishna, Dr. B.Prasanthi, P Siva Prasad, B Manasa, K Aravinda | Published |
4 | 202041054862 | An Intelligent C/C++ Family Code Sketch Assistant (ICSA) to Predict and Sketch The Programming Code. | Dr.Makala Ramesh, M.V.Bhjanga Rao, Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. V.Sesha Srinivas, G.Srinivasa Rao, V.Venkata Srinivasu, N.Neelima, K.Subramanyam, B.Manasa, K.Gowri Sankar, Bh.Krishna Mohan | Published |
5 | 202041050678 | ACDN -Object Detection System: Automatic Object Detection System With Image Classification And Deep Neural Networks | Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Ayyagari Sri Nagesh, Dr.Naramala Venkateswara Rao, M.Srikanth, Dr.B.Varaprasada Rao, Dr.Ch.Sudhasree, Dr.B.Prasanthi, K.Siva Kumar, E.Ramesh, M.Brahmaiah | Published |
6 | 202041050684 | A Novel Approach For Complaint Prioritization Using Deep Learning | Dr.Aparna Chaparala, Dr. M.Sreelatha, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.R. Lakshmi Tulasi, Ch. Ratna Babu, K.Venkata Ramana, V.S.J.R.K. Padmini Valli, M.Vasavi, K.Aravinda, M.Naveen | Published |
7 | 202041047143 | ISAFE-DNN : Intelligent System for Assisting Fire Egression using Deep Neural Networks | Dr.Aparna Chaparla, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Radhika Sajja, Dr.R. Lakshmi Tulasi, V.S.J.R.K. Padminivalli, M.Vasavi, Neha Krishna Dasari | Published |
8 | 202041036196 | Energy Auditing For Iot System Security By Deep Learning Convolution Neural Network | M V Pathi Amudalapalli, M V Pathi Amudalapalli, Prabira Kumar Sethy, Ch Mohammad Akram, Gundala Sunil Dayakar, Subramanyam Kunisetti, Dr. Arun Sadanand Tigadi, Sanket Raval, Seelaboyina Radha, Dr.G.Anandbabu, Nagarjuna Reddy Gujjula | Published |
9 | 202041033146 | Speech Emotion Recognition : Speech Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning | Dr.Bonam Janakiramaiah, Dr.Gadupudi Kalyani, Dr.Karuna Arava, Dr.Jayalakshmi Aravapalli, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Narayana Satyala | Published |
10 | 202341066960 | Novel Cable Operated Lightweight and Flexible Prosthetic Hand | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: G.Bharani Vishnu, M.V.P.Chandra Sekhara Rao, K.Sobha, S. Radhika, B.Trinadh, B.Srinivasulu, A. Jesse, K.Venkatasai Kalyani, V.Vsrivalli | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202141054027 | Method and System for Implementing Machine Learning (ML) Techniques for Efficiently Managing Stock Trading | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. B.Hemantha Kumar, Dr.M.Pompapathi, Dr.V.Sesha Srinivas, Smt.N.Neelima, Mr.B.Satish Babu, Smt.Z.Sunitha Bai, Ms.Ch.V.Madhavi Lakshimi, Mr.K.Subramanyam, Dr.V.Sujatha Lakshmi | Published |
2 | 201941013879 | System and Method for Performance Evaluation of Statistical Classifiers for Shape Recognition. | Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr P.Vidya Sagar, Dr M.Sridhar, Dr.N.Venkateswara Rao | Published |
3 | 202141054063 | Method and System for Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques for Implementing Predictive Analytics in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Smart Farming | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Prof Gatram Rama Mohan Babu, Dr.N.Venkateswara Rao, Smt.M.Vasavi, Smt.S J R K Padminivalli V, Smt.G.Swetha, Smt.I.Naga Padmaja, Mr.B.H.Krishna Mohan, Smt.B.Manasa, Mr.M.Siddardha Kumar, Mr.V.Venkata Srinivasu, Smt.Morsa Chaitanya | Published |
4 | 202041054862 | An Intelligent C/C++ Family Code Sketch Assistant (ICSA) to Predict and Sketch The Programming Code. | Dr.Makala Ramesh, M.V.Bhjanga Rao, Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. V.Sesha Srinivas, G.Srinivasa Rao, V.Venkata Srinivasu, N.Neelima, K.Subramanyam, B.Manasa, K.Gowri Sankar, Bh.Krishna Mohan | Published |
5 | 202041046120 | Method of Energy and Deadline Based Scheduling of Tasks in Cloud Computing using Greedy Algorithm. | Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr.N.Venkateswara Rao, Dr.M.Ramesh, Pradeep Venuthurumilli, Venkata Raju Kallipalli | Published |
6 | 202341074609 | Adaptive Reinforcement Learning: Dynamic Policy Updating for Continuous Learning in Complex Environments | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. Gatram Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. Naramala Venkateswara Rao, Mrs. Venkata Anusha Kolluru, Mr. Narne Srikanth | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202341076765 | Method and System for Dynamic Resource Allocation and Load Balancing for Energy-Efficient IoT networks | Dr. N. Nagamalleswara Rao , Dr. Nageswara Rao Eluri, Mr.B.Nagaraju, Mr. P. Prudhvi Kiran | Published |
2 | 202241033426 | Efficient Handling of M-Health data using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data | Dr. Nageswara Rao Eluri | Published |
3 | 202041056720 | Constructing Dynamic Clustering Rdf Datasets Using Query Provenance In Linked Data | Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao, K. Srinivasa Rao, Yaswanth Kumar Alapati, B.Satish Babu, G.Swetha, I.Naga Padmaja, Maturi Sreerama Murthy | Published |
4 | 202241012029 | Method and System for Providing An Intelligent Collision Detection System for Determing Accelartion and Velocity of Vehicles and Altering Surround Users | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. A.Srinagesh, Dr. Ch.Sudha Sree, M Vasavi, P Rama Krishna, Dr. B.Prasanthi, P Siva Prasad, B Manasa, K Aravinda | Published |
5 | 202041050678 | ACDN -Object Detection System: Automatic Object Detection System With Image Classification And Deep Neural Networks | Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Ayyagari Sri Nagesh, Dr.Naramala Venkateswara Rao, M.Srikanth, Dr.B.Varaprasada Rao, Dr.Ch.Sudhasree, Dr.B.Prasanthi, K.Siva Kumar, E.Ramesh, M.Brahmaiah | Published |
6 | 202041025003 | A Smart And Efficient Hospital Management System Over The Cloud For Data Analysis And Security In Case of Pandemics | Raghava Yathiraju, Raghava Yathiraju, Dr. K.N.Venkata Ratna Kumar, Dr. Nallamothu Naga Malleswara Rao, Subhani Shaik, Kalluri Venkataratnam, Riaz Shaik, P.Anitha Rani, S Nyamathulla, Manda Kiran Kumar, Shreekumar Thottappuram | Published |
7 | 202041024942 | Augmented Reality Based Personalized Smart Diet Assistance System | Dr. K. Koteswara Rao, Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao | Published |
8 | 201921005023 | I-Switch: Intelligent Switch Using Ir Receiver And Ir Transmitter | P. Balamurugan, Dr. M. Nagabhushana Rao, Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao, G Lalitha Kumari, Y.Surekha, K Bindu Madhavi, Dr. V. Venkata Ramana, Pranjali Vilasrao Deshmukh, Anirudh Bhowmick, Prof. Kumar Baban Pawar, Ramesh Babu Pittala, Dr. Serdar Vural Uygun,Phd, Dr. Ram Gopal, Prof. Dr. Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Dr. Yaspal Singh, Prof.(Dr.)Biplab Kumar Sarkar | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202441008834 | Method and System for Providing Low-Noise Analog Front-End Architecture for Biomedical Signal Acquisition | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. M.Satya Sai Ram, Dr. D.Eswara Chaitanya, P.P.S.Subhashini, K.Sravanthi | Published |
2 | 202341086033 | Next-Generation Compact 5G Antenna Array with Thermal Conductive Sheet for Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. M.V.Siva Prasad, Dr. N.Renuka, P.Siva Prasad, P.Sailaja | Published |
3 | 202341073520 | A Wideband SIW Cavity-Backed Antenna with L-Shaped Slot for X-Band Applications | Anil Kumar Katta, Dr.Praveen Babu Choppala, Prof.James Stephen Meka | Published |
4 | 202341072093 | A Method for Developing A Low Profile Wideband SIW Cavity-Backed I-Shaped Slot Antenna | Anil Kumar Katta, Dr.Praveen Babu Choppala, Nagarjuna Tanikonda, Dr. James Stephen Meka, Srinivas Rao Gantenapalli | Published |
5 | 202341072095 | A New Lookahead Sampling Particle Filter and Method Thereof | Nagarjuna Tanikonda, Dr.Praveen Babu Choppala, Anil Kumar Katta, Dr.James Stephen Meka, Mohammed Ashik | Published |
6 | 202341066956 | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled High-Frequency RF Energy Harvesting Circuit with Improved Efficiency | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr T.Ranga Babu, Dr P.Suresh Kumar, Dr X.Ascar Davix, Smt M.Sunitha | Published |
7 | 202341063545 | Optimisation of Multi Wavelength Drone Images for Better Visualisation using Geo Reference Model | G. Ravi, Parth Shrivastava, Dr. S. Murugaveni, Dr. Markkandan S, Dr. M. Ramkumar Prabhu, Sai Sundara Sriramam Yadavalli, Dr T.Ranga Babu, Mr P.Siva Prasad | Published |
8 | 202341032546 | Artificial Intelligence Based Intron Retention Detection and Identification for Neural Diseases | Dr. Mohd Ashraf, Rakesh Bharati, Dr. Ajitkumar Meshram Pundge, Ms. Arnika, Dr. Sumana M, Dr.V.Anandi, Dr.Srinivas Ambala, P.Siva Prasad | Published |
9 | 202341005141 | Design of High Throughput and Low Latency Double Precision Floating Point Arithmetic Unit for Space Signal Applications | Ponduri Sivaprasad, Dr.V.Anandi, Dr. Satyanaryana Murthy, Dr. Ramesh, Dr Tummala Ranga Babu | Published |
10 | 202241065881 | Development of Android Chatbot Application using Artificial Intelligence System | P.Chandanakala, G.Raghul, M. Diana Amutha Priya, J.Jhansi, U.Srinivasulu, M.Thayagarajan, Dr. P.G.Kuppusamy, Dr. Gomalavalli.R, B.Hemalatha, Dr J.Ravindranadh | Published |
11 | 202241065882 | Implementation of Surveillance Monitoring using ESP 32 - Cam Module | Dr. P.D.Selvam, Dr. C.Priya, G.Raghul, Dr. P.G.Kuppusamy, Dr. J.Ravindraiah, Dr. Gomalavalli.R, Dr J.Ravindranadh, Dr. B.Saroja, P.Brahmini, P.Manimohan | Published |
12 | 202241006621 | Method for Providing Smart Handheld Electronic Devices for Collaboration and Management of Personal Electronic Data | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr G.Sudhavani, Dr J.Ravindranadh, Dr. Suresh Kumar Pittala, Dr X.Ascar Davix, Smt P.Sailaja, Mr P.Siva Prasad, Mr A.Murali Krishna , Smt T.Suneetha, Mr N.Sudheer Kumar, Smt Makkapati Himaja | Published |
13 | 202241006555 | A Low-Profile Hexa-Band Nanogonal Ring Fractal Antenna | Dr. S.Sivagnanam, Dr. E.Gnanamanoharan, G.Ramprabhu, Bollavathi Lokeshwar, Dr. K.Padma Priya | Published |
14 | 202141057117 | Method and System for Implementing Smart Automotive Electronics for Sensing Data From Vehicles | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr G.Sudhavani, Dr J.Ravindranadh, Dr. Suresh Kumar Pittala, Dr X.Ascar Davix, Smt P.Sailaja, Mr P.Siva Prasad, Mr A.Murali Krishna , Smt T.Suneetha, Mr N.Sudheer Kumar, Smt Makkapati Himaja | Published |
15 | 202141052732 | Method and System for Providing Smart Charging to Electronic Devices using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Mr K.Ashok Kumar, Mr S.Ramesh Babu, Smt M.Sunitha, Mr P.V.Krishna Kanth, Mr K.Sudhakar, Mr Ch.Jayaram, Smt P.Bala Prasanthi, Mr K.Anil Kumar, Dr D.Eswara Chaitanya, Mr U.Rama Krishna | Published |
16 | 202141043814 | A Connector Module for A VLSI Circuit with A Battery Pack | Dr. Suresh Kumar Pittala, B.Rama Sulochana, Dr. B.Rajani, Dr.Rajender Udutha, Dr.K.Gowrishankar, Rayudu Srinivas, Dr.Sushma Jaiswa, Tarun Jaiswal, Dr. Harish Chandra Mohanta, Syed Javeed Basha | Published |
17 | 2021107497 | An OFDM Channel Estimation and Signal Detection Method Based on Deep Learning | P.V.Naganjaneyulu, V.S.R Kumari, S.Gopi Krishna, Renuka Nellaturu, Koteswararao Seelam, K.Rajesh Babu, Kiran Mannem, Sivakrishna Pandella | Granted |
18 | 202111036217 | A System Having Synchronous Signaling for Interfacing VLSI Circuit | Dr Rupali Singh, Dr. Suresh Kumar Pittala, Dr P.Muthu, Dr S.Latha, Dr K.B.S.D Sarma, Tanikonda Kishore Kumar, Dr.Sushma Jaiswal, Tarun Jaiswal, Syed Javeed Basha, N.Naveen Sagar | Published |
19 | 202141021389 | Performance Enhancement in MIMO System using Fuzzy Interference Artificial Neural Network | Dr.P.V.Naganjaneyulu, Dr.P.Nageswara Rao, Mrs N.Renuka, Kiran Mannem, K.Jamal, Dr.Koteswara Rao, M.Venkateswarlu | Published |
20 | 202141020084 | A Novel Method and System For Designing VLSI Circuitry to Optimize The Integrated Circuit Operation | Dr.P.Ashok Babu, Dr.T.Muthumanickam, Dr.Suresh Kumar Pittala, Gaddam Sunil Kumar, Dr.Sudip Mandal, Tarun Jaiswal, G.Ravi, D.Thirumal Reddy, Pijush Dutta, Shaik Karimullah | Published |
21 | 202141004105 | A Single Feed Broadband Substrate Integrated Waveguide Back Cavity Rectangle Slot Antenna | Bollavathi Lokeshwar, Dr Alapati Sudhakar, Dr. Dorai Venkatasekhar | Published |
22 | 202141002983 | Dual-Band Miniaturized Quadrant Circular Shaped Slot Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide | Dr Dokuparthi Jagadeesh, Bollavathi Lokeshwar, Dr Alapati Sudhakar | Published |
23 | 2021100301 | A Closed Loop Serpentine Crawling Technique for Two Anchor Peristaltic Mobile Soft Robot | Pittala Suresh Kumar , Dr M. Premkumar, Dr W.T. Chembian, Dr Tulika Chakrabarti, Dr B. Lakshmana Swamy, Dr Moon Banerjee, Dr Ananda Shankar Hati, Dr Naveed Ur Rehman Junejo, Awais Khan Jumani, Dr Vivek Jaglan, Dr. Thumma Fathimareddy, Dr Prasun Chakrabarti | Granted |
24 | 202141001394 | VLSI Based Implementation of Robotic Arm Control With Leap Motion | Dr. Suresh Kumar Pittala, Chinna Narasimhulu C, Dr. Mohammed Khaja Nizamuddin, Dr. Abdullah Akbar, Dr. Mahaboob Basha Shaik, Dr. Syed Abdul Sattar, Telugu Maddileti, Dr. Amairullah Khan Lodhi, Dr. Arun Singh Chouhan, Mohammed Abdul Razzak | Published |
25 | 202141001137 | Method for Adaptive Artifact Elimination for Cleaning Brain Waves in Remote Patient Monitoring | M.V.V.S. Prasad, Dr T.Ranga Babu | Published |
26 | 2021100084 | IoT-Enable Wireless Sensor Networks for Controlled and Safe Routing | C.Navaneethan, T.Aditya Sai Srinivas, Tabassum Nikhath, Ananda Shankar Hati, B.M.Divya, Monika Bhatnagar, Papiya Debnath, Dr. Tulika Chakrabarti, Prasun Chakrabarti, Dr. Suresh Kumar Pittala, V. Sivakumar, M.Arun | Granted |
27 | 202141000124 | Development of Multi-Focus Image Fusion Algorithm for Improving The Depth of Field of Imaging Sensors in Visual Sensor Network Applications | Ms N.Radha, Dr T.Ranga Babu | Published |
28 | 2020104035 | PIG - Intelligent Chatbot System: Process (Sales Transaction) to Use Information Gathered By An Intelligent Chatbot System | Dr. D.Durga Bhavani, Dr Tummala Ranga Babu, Dr. T.Satyanarayana Murthy, Dr. N.Mohan Krishna Varma, Ponduri Siva Prasad, Dr.Govinda Rajulu G, Dr.M Venkata Rao, Dr. S.B.Chordiya, Dr. Begraj | Granted |
29 | 202041048635 | System for Speech Signal Analysis And Synthesis Using Normalized MEL Frequency Cepstral Coefficients | Dr M.Satya Sai Ram, Dr T.Ranga Babu, P.P.S.Subhashini, P.Siva Prasad, N.Renuka, Dr D.Eswara Chaitanya, K.Sravanthi, P.Bala Prasanthi, P.V.Krishna Kanth, K.Ashok Kumar | Published |
30 | 202041046391 | Low-Profile Wideband Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed Antenna With Dumbbell Slot | Mr Bollavathi Lokeshwar, Mr Dokuparthi Jagadeesh, Dr Alapati Sudhakar, Dr J.Ravindranadh, Dr M.V.Siva Prasad, Mr U.Rama Krishna, Mr S.Ramesh Babu, Smt T.Suneetha, Mr K.Anil Kumar, Mr N.Pavan Kumar | Published |
31 | 202041038516 | A Disinfectant System for UV Based Germicide | Venu Madhav Panchagula, Venkata Sathish Kumar B, Sunitha Mandava, Dr A.S.C.S.Sastry, S.Sarath Chandra, Dr Vijayarangan R | Published |
32 | 202041029262 | IVEP - Surveillance System: Intelligent Video Surveillance System Ensuring Privacy of People | Dr Rangaiah Leburu, Dr V.V.K.D.V.Prasad, A.Ganesh Ram, A.Murali Krishna, Jitendra Kumar Samriya | Published |
33 | 202141005936 | Broadband Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide Technology with BOW-TIE Shaped Slot | Dr. Devabhaktuni Madhavi, Bollavathi Lokeshwar, Dr Alapati Sudhakar | Published |
34 | 202141038602 | Method and System for Providing Plug-In Based Intelligent Hybrid Electric Vehicles | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.Korrapati Radha Rani, Dr.Nimmagadda Chaitanya, Dr.Ghanta Sudhavani, Dr.Penubarthi Sobharani, Dr.Munigoti Srinivasa Giridhar, Gopu Veeranjaneyulu | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202441004717 | Method for Fabricating Flexible Electronic Devices Via Assembly of Inorganic Structures of Varied Dimensions for Nano, Micro, and Chip-Scale Integration | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.G. Sambasiva Rao, Dr. N. China Kotaiah, Dr. Y. Ravindranath Tagore, Dr. M. Anitha | Published |
2 | 202341080263 | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based High-Efficiency DC-DC Converter for Dynamically Charging Electric Vehicles | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K. Radha Rani, Dr. N. Chaitanya, Dr. A. Ramakoteswara Rao, Dr. G.V.Prasannanjaneyulu | Published |
3 | 202341064451 | Artificial Intelligence Based Smart Power Grid Management System with Distributed Energy Resources Integration | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K Swarnasri, Dr. K Chandra Sekhar,, Dr. P. V. Kishore Babu, Dr. P. Tripura | Published |
4 | 362354-001 | Solar Empowered Agriculture Robot | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.Katragadda Swarnasri, Dr.Gudapati Sambasiva Rao, Dr.Ponnam Venkata K Babu, Dr.Koritala Chandra Sekhar | Granted |
5 | 202241004657 | Method and System for Providing IoT Enabled Smart Electrical Meters for Predicting Electrical Power Reliability | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.G.V.Prasanna Anjaneyulu, Mrs.V.Sarayu, Sri.Ch.Ranga Rao, Sri.N.Dharani Kumar, Sri.B.Sarath Chandra, Sri.Naveed Suhail, Ms.T.R.Chandni, Sri.Y.Mallikharjunarao, Dr.Lv.Ramana Murthy | Published |
6 | 202241004671 | Integrating Electrical Appliances Appliances with Embedded Internet of Things (Iot) Hub for Automatic Upgradation | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. N.C. Kotaiah, Y.Suri Babu, M.Anitha, B.V.Vasantha Rao, P.Siva Krishna, Y.Sumanth, P.Venkata Mahesh, Dr.P.Tripura, Gopu Veeranjaneyulu, Dr.D.Madhavi | Published |
7 | 202141056413 | Method for Assessing Operating Status of Electrical Motors using Machine Training (ML) Models | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. N. C. Kotaiah, Y. Suri Babu, M. Anitha, B. V. Vasantha Rao, P. Siva Krishna, Y. Sumanth, P. Venkata Mahesh, Dr. P. Tripura, Dr. Korrapati Radha Rani, Dr. Nimmagadda Chaitanya | Published |
8 | 202141056444 | Method for Automatically Upgrading A Power Tool System Integrated with A Cloud Server and IoT Module | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. G.V. Prasanna Anjaneyulu, Mrs. V. Sarayu, Sri. Ch. Ranga Rao, Sri. N. Dharani Kumar , Sri. B. Sarath Chandra , Sri. Naveed Suhail, Ms. T.R. Chandni, Sri. Y. Mallikarjunarao , Sri. L.V. Ramana Murthy, Dr. J.V. Satyanarayana | Published |
9 | 202141038602 | Method and System for Providing Plug-In Based Intelligent Hybrid Electric Vehicles | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.Korrapati Radha Rani, Dr.Nimmagadda Chaitanya, Dr.Ghanta Sudhavani, Dr.Penubarthi Sobharani, Dr.Munigoti Srinivasa Giridhar, Gopu Veeranjaneyulu | Published |
10 | 202141025145 | System and Method of Intelligent Food Vending Machine Kiosk | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.Y.Srinivasa Kishore Babu, Dr.Tripura Pidikiti, Dr.Chaitanya Duggineni, Dr.L.Venkateswara Reddy, Vithyalakshmi.N, Dr.Telagarapu Prabhakar, Dr.J.Avanija | Published |
11 | 339783-001 | Compact Washing Machine | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. Raja Reddy. Duvvuru, R.Sireesha, Dr. Luke John Baktha Singh Immaraju, Dr. Bolla Madhusudhana Reddy, Palleti Venkata Kusuma, M. Manikumar Reddy, Kameswara Vasishta Kumar Kavuturu, Dr. V. Lakshmi Devi, Dr. Varaprasad Janamala, Dr. Koritala Chandra Sekhar | Granted |
12 | 202041052197 | Bidirectional DC-DC Power Converter Circuit to Reduce Current Ripples | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. Korrapati Radha Rani, Dr. Nimmagadda Chaitanya, Dr. Yadlapalli Ravindranath Tagore, Dr. Nelluri China Kotaiah, Dr. Rama Koteswara Rao Alla, Mr. Yaramasu Suri Babu, Mr. Chegudi Ranga Rao, Mr. Dharani Kumar Narne, Mr. Gopu Veeranjaneyulu, Mr. Puvvadi Venkata Mahesh | Published |
13 | 202041050300 | Integrated Monitoring And Controlling Device For Distribution | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. Katragadda Swarnasri, Dr. Koritala Chandrasekhar, Dr. Gudapati Sambasiva Rao, Dr. G. V. Prasanna Anjaneyulu, Dr. Ponnam Venkata K Babu, Ms. Mallipeddi Anitha, Ms. Pidikiti Tripura, Mr. B. Veera Vasantha Rao, Mr. Puchanuthala Siva Krishna, Mr. Sumanth Yamparala | Granted |
14 | 202041041929 | WCNM -Smart City: Waste Collection and Notification Management System for Smart City using IoT | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.Katragadda Swarnasri, Dr. Radhika Sajja | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202441002309 | Advanced Regenerative Vehicle Suspension System with Artificial Intelligence For Energy Recovery | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. D. V. V. K. Prasad, Dr. K. Praveen Kumar, Dr. V. Ramakoteswara Rao, Sri Ch. Deva Raj | Published |
2 | 202441002310 | Machine Learning Based Real-Time Robotic Inspection Planning and Maintenance System for Industrial Equipment | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao, Dr.C.Tara Sasanka, Ms.Sneha H.Dhoria, J.R.Chowdary | Published |
3 | 202441000089 | Development and Fabrication of Filament Extruder for 3D Printer and Material Recycling | Dr.M.Bala Chennaiah, K.Ravikumar, Dr.M.Sumalatha, Dr.Reddy Sreenivasulu, Dr.M.Sivarama Krishnaiah, G.Premkumar Reddy, Dharavathi Swamy, Gorthi Sri Durga | Published |
4 | 402800-001 | Device for Electricity Generation From Waste Water Treatment | Dr A Chandrashekhar, Dr Prashant Sunagar , Dr Sahil Sanjeev Salvi , Dr M D Mohan Gift , Dr.P. Suresh Kumar, Mr P Ragupathi | Granted |
5 | 202341075000 | Smart Hvac System with Integration of Predictive Climate Control Andmachine Learning | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: K.Srinivas, N.Govind, S.Radhika, K.L.Chaitanya | Published |
6 | 202341066960 | Novel Cable Operated Lightweight and Flexible Prosthetic Hand | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: G.Bharani Vishnu, M.V.P.Chandra Sekhara Rao, K.Sobha, S. Radhika, B.Trinadh, B.Srinivasulu, A. Jesse, K.Venkatasai Kalyani, V.Vsrivalli | Published |
7 | 396724-001 | Solar Powered Seawater Desalination Apparatus | S.Prashant, J. Sumalatha, K.Rajalakshmi, P.Sandeep, Faridhossain, P. Suresh Kumar | Granted |
8 | 396719-001 | Automatic Pesticide Spraying Robot- Application Number | Dr. Shailendra Kumar Bohidar R. Karthik Manoj Ramu Garugubilli Dr. A. Kistan Dr. Rajendiran M, P. Suresh Kumar | Granted |
9 | 202341057814 | Efficient Wind Turbine Blades With Adaptive Twist Mechanism | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: K.Ravindra, G.Chaitanya, G.Kishore Chowdari, D.Swapna | Published |
10 | 202341047372 | Investigation on Emission Reduction Potential of Nickel and Zinc Coated Catalytic Converters | M.Chaitra, K.Kathiresan, M.Meikandan, S.Madhavarao, P.Vijaykumar, and M. Sudhakar, P. Suresh Kumar | Published |
11 | 202341044193 | An Automated Decompression Mechanism for Valve- Regulated Internal Combustion Engines | P. Suresh Kumar, Alias Paul, S. N. Padhi, R. Sankarganesh, Md. Faridhossain, Y.Duttadwivedi and M.Sudhakar | Published |
12 | 202321042501 | Natural Fibre Composites with Improved Impact Resistance and Preparation Method Thereof | P. Sivasubramanian, Thiruchitrambalam, Sayedazeem Pasha, K.Chandramouli, Vemuvaraprasad, V. Prabhu, P. Suresh Kumar | Published |
13 | 202341042495 | A Control System for Internal Combustion Engines Utilizing Flexible Alternative Fuels and Method Thereof | Alias Paul, B.Sudheerkumar, S. Thiruchitarambalam, K. Balasubramayam, Md. Faridhossain, M. Sudhakar, P. Suresh Kumar | Published |
14 | 202341037699 | A Nanorobotic Arm to Operate in The Endoscopy | Dr.P.Suresh Kumar, Mr.Polepogu Rajesh, Dr.Anumala Vijayasankar, Mr.Manda Rajarao, Dr.Prasanthi Kumari Nunna, Dr.Mallapuram Bala Chennaiah, Dr.V.Muralidhar, Mr.Saladi Dur | Published |
15 | 202321032319 | Ultra-Lightweight Natural Fiber Composites for Aerospace Applications | Sivasubramanian Palanisamy, Santhosh Kumar D, Kurmana Prema Kumar, Sudheer Kumar Battula, Dr. P.C. Krishnamachary, Dr.P. Suresh Kumar , Mr. M.Sudhakar | Published |
16 | 202341027813 | Incorporation of Electric Preheating and Oil Distribution in IC Engine | Dr. P.Sarvanan, Mr. Alias Paul, Dr. Sivakumar Karthikeyan, Mr. D.Sakthivel, Mr. B.Dhanasakkaravarthi, Dr. Suresh Kumar Patteti , Dr. B.Vijaya Ramnath | Published |
17 | 202341025666 | A System and Method for Context-Based Simulation Models using IoT for Improved Analysis | Rongali Aneel Kumar, Dr. S.Sagar Imambi, P K Kumar, Dr. R. Krishna Kumari, Dr. P. Suresh Kumar, Manjunathan Alagarsamy | Published |
18 | 345571-001 | Leaves Shredder | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dr. Suresh Kumar Patteti , Dr. Prasanthi Kumari Nunna, Vinay Chowdari, Tiyasa Bera, Asha Jyothi. Ch | Granted |
19 | 365734-001 | Heat Engine Operated By Solar Energy | Dr. Suresh Kumar Patteti , Dr. Ramesh Kumar | Granted |
20 | 355374-001 | Agricultural Robot | Dr.V.Ramakoteswara Rao, Md.Hasheer Shaik, Dr.A.Muddu, Sri P.Siddartha, Ms.Sneha.H.Dhoria | Granted |
21 | 355258-001 | Electric Scooter for Handicapped | Dr.D.V.V.Krishna Prasad, Sri G.Kishore Chowdari, Dr.M.Vijaya, Sri J.Rangaraya Chowdary, Sri D.Chakradhar | Granted |
22 | 355036-001 | Door-Mounted Refrigerator | Dr.B.Ramgopal Reddy, Smt.K.Lakshmi Chaitanya, Sri Ch.Deva Raj, Dr.K.Suryanarayana, Sri K.Hari Prasad | Granted |
23 | 354860-001 | A Vehicle Tyre Cutting Machine | Dr.K.Praveen Kumar, Smt.K.Snehita, Dr.Sk.Mabunni, Sri D.Kondala Rao, Sri T.N.S.Rama Krishna | Granted |
24 | 351404-001 | Wheel Chair with Floor Cleaning Arrangement | Dr. Suresh Kumar Patteti , Dr. Prasanthi Kumari Nunna | Granted |
25 | 345570-001 | Cooking Stove | Dr. Suresh Kumar Pattteti, Dr. Prasanthi Kumari Nunna, A. Srya Bharath | Granted |
26 | 202041051209 | Humanoid Robot: Intelligent Humanoid Robot That Includes A Torso, A Pair An Arms, Two Hands, A Neck, Head, And Logic | Dr.C. Tara Sasanka, Dr. V. Rama Koteswara Rao, Dr. Reddy Sreenivasulu, G. Kishore Chowdari, Ch Deva Raj, Dr V. Tara Chand, J. Ranga Raya Chowdary, J. Purushottam Karthik, Sneha. H. Dhoria, Y.N.V. Sairam, Kilari Snehita, D. Bharath Prasanna | Published |
27 | 202041051207 | Intelligent Manufacturing Process: Computer Intelligent Manufacturing Process And Testing System. (Aid Physical Three-Dimensional Object) | Dr. N. Govind, Dr. K. Praveen Kumar, Dr. Radhika Sajja, D. Swapna, K. Lakshmi Chaitanya, M.Vijaya, Mohammad Hasheer Shaik, Kondala Rao Dasari, Kurra Hari Prasad, T.N.S Rama Krishna, Dr. A. Muddu | Published |
28 | 202041050680 | FC Lawn Mover | Dr. K. Ravindra, Dr. Kolla Srinivas, Dr. D. V. V. K. Prasad, Dr. V. C. das, Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. C. Srinivas, Dr. N. V. V. S. Sudheer, Dr. B. Ramgopal Reddy, Dr. K. Bala Prasad, Dr. G. Chaitanya | Published |
29 | 202141054651 | Method for Microfabrication of One-Dimensional (1D) Photonic Crystal Layered Point-of-Care Device for Detection of Biomarker(S) of Renal Dysfunction | Dr. K.Sobha, Dr. S.Radhika, D.Pradeep, K. Sai Vivek, Dr. K.Surendranath, Dr. K.Karteeka Pavan, Dr. J.V.Satyanarayana, Dr. Sameer Kumar Devarakonda, Dr. Tata Nancharaiah, D Swapna | Published |
30 | 202041047143 | ISAFE-DNN : Intelligent System for Assisting Fire Egression using Deep Neural Networks | Dr.Aparna Chaparla, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara Rao, Dr.Radhika Sajja, Dr.R. Lakshmi Tulasi, V.S.J.R.K. Padminivalli, M.Vasavi, Neha Krishna Dasari | Published |
31 | 202041041929 | WCNM -Smart City: Waste Collection and Notification Management System for Smart City using IoT | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.Katragadda Swarnasri, Dr. Radhika Sajja | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202441006264 | Method and System for Providing Multimodal Interaction Assisted Autonomous Intelligent Virtual Assistant | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. A.Sri Krishna, Dr.M.Pompapathi, Dr.V.Sesha Srinivas, Dr.A.Yaswanth Kumar | Published |
2 | 202341074609 | Adaptive Reinforcement Learning: Dynamic Policy Updating for Continuous Learning in Complex Environments | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. Gatram Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. Naramala Venkateswara Rao, Mrs. Venkata Anusha Kolluru, Mr. Narne Srikanth | Published |
3 | 202341067412 | Method and System for Providing Blockchain-Based Secure Data Sharing and Collaboration Platform | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: G. Srinivasa Rao, N. Neelima, V. Venkata Srinivasu, Dr. G. Swetha | Published |
4 | 202341015523 | Method for Image Tamper Detection and Recovery using Multiple Watermarks | Dr. M.Pompapathi, K.Gowri Sankar, V.Venkata Srinivasu, B.Satish Babu | Published |
5 | 202141054063 | Method and System for Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques for Implementing Predictive Analytics in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Smart Farming | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Prof Gatram Rama Mohan Babu, Dr.N.Venkateswara Rao, Smt.M.Vasavi, Smt.S J R K Padminivalli V, Smt.G.Swetha, Smt.I.Naga Padmaja, Mr.B.H.Krishna Mohan, Smt.B.Manasa, Mr.M.Siddardha Kumar, Mr.V.Venkata Srinivasu, Smt.Morsa Chaitanya | Published |
6 | 202141031999 | Artificial Intelligence and IoT Based Efficient Management of Economical Vehicles Utilized on Sharing Basis | Fr. Dr. D. Sunder Reddy, Dr. Naziya Hussain, Dr. Goutham M, Dr.M.Pompapathi | Published |
7 | 202041054862 | An Intelligent C/C++ Family Code Sketch Assistant (ICSA) to Predict and Sketch The Programming Code. | Dr.Makala Ramesh, M.V.Bhjanga Rao, Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. V.Sesha Srinivas, G.Srinivasa Rao, V.Venkata Srinivasu, N.Neelima, K.Subramanyam, B.Manasa, K.Gowri Sankar, Bh.Krishna Mohan | Published |
8 | 2020103525 | IUML - Stock Prices Predictor: Intelligent Stock Prices Predictor Using Machine Learning | Santosh Dilipkumar Parakh, Dayanand Lal N, Kiran Ramaswamy, Nijaguna G S, Mahesh D S, G. S. N. Murthy, Makala Ramesh, Raskar Rahul Bhausaheb, Priyanka Rai, M. Venkata Rao | Granted |
9 | 202041048679 | PCEE - Security Mechanism System: Prefix Coding with Embedded Encryption Security Mechanism System. | Dr.Makala Ramesh | Published |
10 | 202041047364 | Enhanced Fingerprint Authentication System By Gabor Filter And Classification Dictionaries Learning | Dr.M.Srinivasa Rao, Dr.M.Srinivasa Rao, Shaik Mohammad Ayesha, Dr.R.Neelaveni, Dr.Tarun Kumar, Rachna Behl, Dr.Indu Kashyap, Dr.D.Shanthi, Tamminina Ammannamma, Venkata Srinivasu Veesam, Dr.Ravindra Raman Cholla | Published |
11 | 202041042414 | Customized Placement Training Assistance For Students Using Artificial Intelligence | Dr. Parashuram Baraki, Dr. G. Swetha | Published |
12 | 202041036196 | Energy Auditing For Iot System Security By Deep Learning Convolution Neural Network | M V Pathi Amudalapalli, M V Pathi Amudalapalli, Prabira Kumar Sethy, Ch Mohammad Akram, Gundala Sunil Dayakar, Subramanyam Kunisetti, Dr. Arun Sadanand Tigadi, Sanket Raval, Seelaboyina Radha, Dr.G.Anandbabu, Nagarjuna Reddy Gujjula | Published |
13 | 202041034055 | Effective Instructor Feedback System For Education Systme And Methods Thereof | Dr Ranga Swamy Sirisati, Dr Ranga Swamy Sirisati, Dr. Suneetha Bulla, Dr.Aravind K U, Dileep J, Dr Chitra Shashidhar, Swetha Gadde, Mallika Ds, Dr.Piyush Kumar Pareek | Published |
14 | 202041025003 | A Smart And Efficient Hospital Management System Over The Cloud For Data Analysis And Security In Case of Pandemics | Raghava Yathiraju, Raghava Yathiraju, Dr. K.N.Venkata Ratna Kumar, Dr. Nallamothu Naga Malleswara Rao, Subhani Shaik, Kalluri Venkataratnam, Riaz Shaik, P.Anitha Rani, S Nyamathulla, Manda Kiran Kumar, Shreekumar Thottappuram | Published |
15 | 202041024942 | Augmented Reality Based Personalized Smart Diet Assistance System | Dr. K. Koteswara Rao, Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao | Published |
16 | 202041005632 | FML - Prediction: Fitness Prediction using Machine Learning | B.H.Krishna Mohan, P.Naga Malleswara Rao, Dr M.Durai Raju, Dr Jaya Rama Krishnaiah V. Vemula | Published |
17 | 201921005023 | I-Switch: Intelligent Switch Using Ir Receiver And Ir Transmitter | P. Balamurugan, Dr. M. Nagabhushana Rao, Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao, G Lalitha Kumari, Y.Surekha, K Bindu Madhavi, Dr. V. Venkata Ramana, Pranjali Vilasrao Deshmukh, Anirudh Bhowmick, Prof. Kumar Baban Pawar, Ramesh Babu Pittala, Dr. Serdar Vural Uygun,Phd, Dr. Ram Gopal, Prof. Dr. Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Dr. Yaspal Singh, Prof.(Dr.)Biplab Kumar Sarkar | Published |
18 | 202141054027 | Method and System for Implementing Machine Learning (ML) Techniques for Efficiently Managing Stock Trading | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr. B.Hemantha Kumar, Dr.M.Pompapathi, Dr.V.Sesha Srinivas, Smt.N.Neelima, Mr.B.Satish Babu, Smt.Z.Sunitha Bai, Ms.Ch.V.Madhavi Lakshimi, Mr.K.Subramanyam, Dr.V.Sujatha Lakshmi | Published |
19 | 202341025658 | Automated Web Page Layout Design using Genetic Algorithms | Mr.Ch.Ratnababu, Dr. B.Varaprasad Rao, Dr. M.Sreelatha, Mr.E.Ramesh, Mr.K.Siva Kumar, Mr.M.Brahmaiah, Smt. S J R K Padminivalli V, Smt.B.Manasa, Naveen Mukkapati, Mr. N.Chandra Sekhar, Ms. M Maithili Saisree | Published |
20 | 202041056720 | Constructing Dynamic Clustering Rdf Datasets Using Query Provenance In Linked Data | Dr. N. Naga Malleswara Rao, K. Srinivasa Rao, Yaswanth Kumar Alapati, B.Satish Babu, G.Swetha, I.Naga Padmaja, Maturi Sreerama Murthy | Published |
21 | 202041046120 | Method of Energy and Deadline Based Scheduling of Tasks in Cloud Computing using Greedy Algorithm. | Dr.G.Rama Mohan Babu, Dr.N.Venkateswara Rao, Dr.M.Ramesh, Pradeep Venuthurumilli, Venkata Raju Kallipalli | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202141005936 | Broadband Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide Technology with BOW-TIE Shaped Slot | Dr. Devabhaktuni Madhavi, Bollavathi Lokeshwar, Dr Alapati Sudhakar | Published |
2 | 202341086334A | Smart Sensor Networks with AI for Real Time Monitoring and Control in Solid State Physics Experiments | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. J.V. Satyanarayana, Dr. D. Madhavi, Mrs. V.L. Suneetha and Dr. L.V. Ramana Murthy | Published |
3 | 202141054651 | Method for Microfabrication of One-Dimensional (1D) Photonic Crystal Layered Point-of-Care Device for Detection of Biomarker(S) of Renal Dysfunction | Dr. K.Sobha, Dr. S.Radhika, D.Pradeep, K. Sai Vivek, Dr. K.Surendranath, Dr. K.Karteeka Pavan, Dr. J.V.Satyanarayana, Dr. Sameer Kumar Devarakonda, Dr. Tata Nancharaiah, D Swapna | Published |
4 | 202241004671 | Integrating Electrical Appliances Appliances with Embedded Internet of Things (Iot) Hub for Automatic Upgradation | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. N.C. Kotaiah, Y.Suri Babu, M.Anitha, B.V.Vasantha Rao, P.Siva Krishna, Y.Sumanth, P.Venkata Mahesh, Dr.P.Tripura, Gopu Veeranjaneyulu, Dr.D.Madhavi | Published |
5 | 202141056444 | Method for Automatically Upgrading A Power Tool System Integrated with A Cloud Server and IoT Module | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. G.V. Prasanna Anjaneyulu, Mrs. V. Sarayu, Sri. Ch. Ranga Rao, Sri. N. Dharani Kumar, Sri. B. Sarath Chandra, Sri. Naveed Suhail, Ms. T.R. Chandni, Sri. Y. Mallikarjunarao, Sri. L.V. Ramana Murthy, Dr. J.V. Satyanarayana | Published |
6 | 202241004657 | Method and System for Providing IoT Enabled Smart Electrical Meters for Predicting Electrical Power Reliability | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.G.V.Prasanna Anjaneyulu, Mrs.V.Sarayu, Sri.Ch.Ranga Rao, Sri.N.Dharani Kumar, Sri.B.Sarath Chandra, Sri.Naveed Suhail, Ms.T.R.Chandni, Sri.Y.Mallikharjunarao, Dr.Lv.Ramana Murthy | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202341079578 | Machine Learning Based Apparatus for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) of Flue Gas Discharged From Marine Facilities | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr.M.Murali, Dr.K.Kalyani, Dr.P.Venkateswara Rao, Dr.N.Srinivasa Rao | Published |
2 | 202141056411 | Method And System For Providing Machine Learning (Ml) Model For Assessing Corrosion And Durability Of Materials In Real Time To Assist Civil Constructions | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K. Rambabu, Dr.Ch.Rama Krishna, Dr.M.Murali, Dr.P.Venkateswara Rao, Dr.M.Srinivasa Rao, Dr.N.Srinivasa Rao, Dr.P.Samatha Chowdary, Ms.N.Tejaswini, Mr.Gunnam Sanijya, Mr. Yenigandla Naga Mahesh | Published |
SNo | Application No | Title of the Patent | Details of Applicants & Inventors | Status |
1 | 202441016035 | Method and System for Automated Language Learning and Proficiency Assessment | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. D. Rajani, K. Sudhakar, Dr. P. Anantha Lakshmi, Dr. K. Sujatha | Published |
2 | 202441008833 | Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) Assisted Mathematical Framework for Artistic Style Transfer From Text | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K. S. Balamurugan, Dr. M. Sudhakar, K.J.L. Narayana, Dr. A.V. Rama Krishna | Published |
3 | 202341064733 | Method and System for Quantitative Analysis of Music Patterns for Emotional Response Prediction | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. Ch. H. K. Gopal, Dr. B. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. S. Masthan Rao, T. Sujana Sree | Published |
4 | 202141053245 | Method and System for Enabling Seamless Translation of Language/ Speech using Artificial Intelligence Models | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. D. Rajani, Mr. K. Sudhakar, Dr. P. Anantha Lakshmi, Dr. K. Sujatha, Ms. S. Monika, Dr. G. Kalpana Devi, Dr. K. Samuel Babu, Dr. P. Lakshmi Rani | Published |
5 | 202141053244 | Method and System for Real-Time Assessment of Data Related to Novel Coronavirus (Covid19) using Statistical Models | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. M.Sudhakar, Dr. Ch.H.K.Gopal, Dr. B.Srinivasa Rao, Dr. S.Masthan Rao | Published |
6 | 202141033308 | Magneto Hydrodynamic Heat Transfer Using Water Based Nano Fluids With Soret And Viscous Dissipation Effects | Dr. N. Vedavathi, Dr. Ch. Baby Rani, Shaik Mohiddin Shaw, Nagaraju Dasari, Dr. Noorbasha Rafi, Dr. M. Balaiah, Dr. M. Babu Prasad, Dr. B. Narayana, Dr. K. S. Balamurugan, Dr. G. Dharmaiah | Published |
7 | 202041044264 | Under Water Pollution Monitoring System To Prevent Fatalities of Aqua Ecosystem | Dr.Ch.Baby Rani, Dr. Nallapati Vedavathi, Dr. Y.Udaya Kumar, Dr. Shaik Mohiddin Shaw, Dr. K.S. Balamurugan, Dr. J.L.Rama Prasad, Dr.G.Dharmaiah, Sreelatha Sankuru, Nadimpalli Udaya Bhaskara Varma, Kranthi Kumar Kotha | Published |