ChE | CE | CSBS | CSE | CSD | CSM | CSO | ECE | EEE | IT | ME | MCA | PHY | CHY | M&H |
Total Patents Filed :: 142 | Patents Published :: 142 | Patents Granted :: 22 |
Patents of Chemical Engineering Faculty |
SNo |
Application No |
Title of the Patent |
Details of Applicants & Inventors |
Status |
1 |
202441016033 | Nanostructured catalysts for enhanced hydrogen production via steam methane reforming | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K.Ramesh Chandra, Dr.D.N.V.Satyanarayana, Dr.K.Sobha, Dr.G.Kavitha |
Published |
2 |
202341072070 | Novel membrane technology for selective separation of Azeotropic mixtures in pharmaceutical manufacturing | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. Ch. V. Subrahmanyam, Dr. P. Rohinikumar , Mrs. J L Jayanthi, Dr. G. Kavitha |
Published |
3 |
202241010460 | Formulation of Natural Product Based, Economic, Effective and Ecofriendly Low Foaming Cleansing Liquid for Soft Textiles and Metal Surfaces | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: Dr. K. Sobha, Dr. M. Sudheera, Dr. Ch. V. Subrahmanyam, Dr. K. Ramesh Chandra, Dr. Dnv Satyanarayana, Dr. P. Rohinikumar, Mrs. J L Jayanthi, Mr. K. Sivaprasada Rao, Dr. G. Kavitha, |
Published |
4 |
202241004005 | Formulation and Methods for The Preparation of Herbal Medicated Transparent Soap | Dr. C.V.Subrahmanyam, Dr. K.Ramesh Chandra, Dr. D.N.V Satyanarayana, Dr.P.Rohinikumar, Smt. J.L.Jayant, Sri K.Siva Prasada Rao , Dr. G. Kavitha |
Published |
5 |
202141054651 | Method for Microfabrication of One-Dimensional (1D) Photonic Crystal Layered Point-of-Care Device for Detection of Biomarker(S) of Renal Dysfunction | Dr. K.Sobha, Dr. S.Radhika, D.Pradeep, K. Sai Vivek, Dr. K.Surendranath, Dr. K.Karteeka Pavan, Dr. J.V.Satyanarayana, Dr. Sameer Kumar Devarakonda, Dr. Tata Nancharaiah, D Swapna |
Published |
6 |
202141014102 | Automatic Inlet and Outlet Control Device for Overhead Service Reservoirs in Multi Village Water Supply System | Vadlamudi Sree Srinivas, Dr. G.Kavitha |
Published |
7 |
202141003721 | Solar Desalination Plant | Vadlamudi Sree Srinivas, Dr G.Kavitha |
Published |
8 |
202041052202 | Smart-Dre-M: Biopolymer Composite Based Nano-Fibrous Wound Dressing Material | Dr. K. Sobha, Dr. C. V.Subrahmanyam, Dr. K. Ramesh Chandra, Dr. D. N. V. Satyanarayana, Dr. P. Rohini Kumar, Smt. J. Lakshmi Jayanthi, Sri. K. Siva Prasada Rao, Smt. M. Sudheera, Dr. G. Kavitha, |
Published |
9 | 202341066960 | Novel Cable Operated Lightweight and Flexible Prosthetic Hand | Applicant : R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Inventors: G.Bharani Vishnu, M.V.P.Chandra Sekhara Rao, K.Sobha, S. Radhika, B.Trinadh, B.Srinivasulu, A. Jesse, K.Venkatasai Kalyani, V.Vsrivalli |
Published |