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Journal Publication Details (2014) IJ:19, NJ:0
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the JournalIndexing Type Publish YearISSN No e-ISSN No
IJImpact of UPFC on Competitive Electricity Market Settlement in Deregulated Power System Vara Prasad Janamala, K Chandra SekharJournal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) JAN 2014 2320- 33312278- 1676
IJAn Enhanced DTC scheme for Induction Machine Control Fed by Seven-Level MPC Voltage Source Inverter O.Chandra Sekhar, K.Chandra SekharJournal of Electrical Engineering JAN 2014 1582- 4594
IJAn enhanced DTC scheme for induction machine control fed by seven-level MPC voltage source inverter Chandra Sekhar, K., Chandra Sekhar, O., Durga Sukumar, GJournal of Electrical Engineering SCI / SCIEJAN 2014 1335- 3632
IJAn efficient sliding-mode current controller with reduced flickering for quadratic buck converter used as LED lamp driver Yadlapalli, R.T., Kotapati, AnuradhaInternational Journal of Power Electronics FEB 2014 1756- 638X1756- 6398
IJA fast-response sliding-mode controller for quadratic buck converter. Yadlapalli, R.T., Kotapati, AnuradhaInternational Journal of Power Electronics FEB 2014 1756- 638X1756- 6398
IJTransient Stability Improvement of SCIG Based Wind Farm with STATCOM P. Sravanthi, K. Radha RaniInternational Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER) APR 2014 2278- 943X
IJHarmonic elimination of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter based active power filter controlled by intelligent techniques G. Nageswara Rao, P. Sangameswara Raju, K. Chandra SekharInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems SCI / SCIEAPR 2014 0142- 0615
IJImpact of Renewable Energy Sources Penetration in a Micro grid SUMANTH YAMPARALAInternational Journal of engineering research and applications MAY 2014 2248- 9622
IJImpact of Renewable Energy Sources Penetration in a Micro grid SUMANTH YAMPARALAInternational Journal of engineering research and applications MAY 2014 2248- 9622
IJA New Approach for Approximate Modeling and Controller Design of SISO Multiple Time Delay System P. Venkata Mahesh. S. Muhammed. Dr. SunilKumar T.K.International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication MAY 2014 2321- 8169
IJThe Improvement of Fault Recovery with Res Penetration SUMANTH YAMPARALAIOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering JUN 2014 2320- 33312278- 1676
IJControl Strategies of Multi level Inverter based Active Power Filter for Harmonic Elimination G Nageswarao, P Sangameswara Raju, K Chandra SekharAsian Power Electronics Journal SCI / SCIEJUN 2014 1598- 20921995- 106X
IJModelling Analysis of AGC in Multi Source Deregulated Power Systems K Hari Krishna, K.Chandra SekharInternational Journal of Electrical Engineering &Technology JUL 2014 0976- 65450976- 6553
IJOptimal Placement of SVC for the Transmission Congestion Management CH Nagarajakumari, K Chandra SekharAdvanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering SCI / SCIEAUG 2014 2349- 58042349- 5812
IJHarmonic elimination of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter based active power filter controlled by intelligent techniques Chandra Sekhar, K., Nageswara Rao, G., Sangameswara Raju, P.International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems SCI / SCIEOCT 2014 0142- 0615
IJOptimal Location of UPFC for Congestion Relief in Deregulated Power Systems J. Vara Prasad, K. Chandra SekharJournal of Electrical Engineering SCI / SCIEOCT 2014 1582- 4594
IJOptimal location of UPFC for congestion relief in deregulated power system Varaprasad Janamala, Chandra Sekhar KoritalaJournal of Electrical Engineering SCI / SCIEOCT 2014 1582- 45941335- 3632
IJPerformance of fuzzy based shunt active power filter using indirect current control technique CH Sujatha, K Chandra Sekhar, Ravi Teja BoppaInternational Journal of Science and Research DEC 2014 2319- 7064
IJA wind energy power conversion by utilizing STATCOM for power quality problem. K V Gopalachari, Sudha SainathInternational journal of advanced technology in engineering and science DEC 2014 2348- 7550
Conference Publication Details (2014) IC:6, NC:1
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the Conference Publish Yeare-ISBN No
ICPIV and lead compensator design using Lambert W function for rotary motions of SRV02 plant Rama Koteswara Rao Ana, Niraj Choudhary, JS Lather, GL Pahuja 2014 IEEE 10th International colloquium on signal processing and its applications MAR 2014
ICPerformance analysis of a hybrid power system with three phase interleaved bidirectional converter N Chaitanya, KSR Anjaneyulu, K Chandra Sekhar 2014 International Conference on Smart Electric Grid (ISEG) SEP 2014
ICCritical Clearing Time and Transient Stability Analysis of SCIG based Wind Farm with STATCOM P. Sravanthi, K. Radha Rani, Dr. J. Amarnath, Dr. S. Kamakshaiah IEEE Proceedings of International conference on Smart Electric Grid-2014 (ICSEG - 2014) SEP 2014
NCApplication of STATCOM to improve Critical Clearing Time & Transient Stability of SCIG Based Wind Farm K. Radha Rani, Dr. J. Amarnath, Dr. S. Kamakshaiah National Conference on Smart Grids for Smart Cities (SGSC-2014) NOV 2014
ICReliability analysis with parametric and non parametric ranking of buck converter components RamaKoteswara Rao Alla, GL Pahuja, JS Lather 2014 IEEE 6th India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) DEC 2014
ICImportance measures based risk and reliability analysis of substation automation systems RamaKoteswara Rao Alla, GL Pahuja, JS Lather 2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) DEC 2014
ICRisk and reliability analysis of substation automation systems using importance measures RamaKoteswara Rao Alla, GL Pahuja, JS Lather 2014 Eighteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) DEC 2014