Type | Title of Paper |
Name of the author/s | Name of the Journal | Indexing Type |
Publish Year | ISSN No |
e-ISSN No |
IJ | Impact of UPFC on Competitive Electricity Market Settlement in Deregulated Power System |
Vara Prasad Janamala, K Chandra Sekhar | Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) |
| JAN 2014 |
2320- 3331 | 2278- 1676 |
IJ | An Enhanced DTC scheme for Induction Machine Control Fed by Seven-Level MPC Voltage Source Inverter |
O.Chandra Sekhar, K.Chandra Sekhar | Journal of Electrical Engineering |
| JAN 2014 |
1582- 4594 | |
IJ | An enhanced DTC scheme for induction machine control fed by seven-level MPC voltage source inverter |
Chandra Sekhar, K., Chandra Sekhar, O., Durga Sukumar, G | Journal of Electrical Engineering |
SCI / SCIE | JAN 2014 |
1335- 3632 | |
IJ | An efficient sliding-mode current controller with reduced flickering for quadratic buck converter used as LED lamp driver |
Yadlapalli, R.T., Kotapati, Anuradha | International Journal of Power Electronics |
| FEB 2014 |
1756- 638X | 1756- 6398 |
IJ | A fast-response sliding-mode controller for quadratic buck converter. |
Yadlapalli, R.T., Kotapati, Anuradha | International Journal of Power Electronics |
| FEB 2014 |
1756- 638X | 1756- 6398 |
IJ | Transient Stability Improvement of SCIG Based Wind Farm with STATCOM |
P. Sravanthi, K. Radha Rani | International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER) |
| APR 2014 |
2278- 943X | |
IJ | Harmonic elimination of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter based active power filter controlled by intelligent techniques |
G. Nageswara Rao, P. Sangameswara Raju, K. Chandra Sekhar | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems |
SCI / SCIE | APR 2014 |
0142- 0615 | |
IJ | Impact of Renewable Energy Sources Penetration in a Micro grid |
SUMANTH YAMPARALA | International Journal of engineering research and applications |
| MAY 2014 |
2248- 9622 | |
IJ | Impact of Renewable Energy Sources Penetration in a Micro grid |
SUMANTH YAMPARALA | International Journal of engineering research and applications |
| MAY 2014 |
2248- 9622 | |
IJ | A New Approach for Approximate Modeling and Controller Design of SISO Multiple Time Delay System |
P. Venkata Mahesh. S. Muhammed. Dr. SunilKumar T.K. | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication |
| MAY 2014 |
| 2321- 8169 |
IJ | The Improvement of Fault Recovery with Res Penetration |
SUMANTH YAMPARALA | IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
| JUN 2014 |
2320- 3331 | 2278- 1676 |
IJ | Control Strategies of Multi level Inverter based Active Power Filter for Harmonic Elimination |
G Nageswarao, P Sangameswara Raju, K Chandra Sekhar | Asian Power Electronics Journal |
SCI / SCIE | JUN 2014 |
1598- 2092 | 1995- 106X |
IJ | Modelling Analysis of AGC in Multi Source Deregulated Power Systems |
K Hari Krishna, K.Chandra Sekhar | International Journal of Electrical Engineering &Technology |
| JUL 2014 |
0976- 6545 | 0976- 6553 |
IJ | Optimal Placement of SVC for the Transmission Congestion Management |
CH Nagarajakumari, K Chandra Sekhar | Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
SCI / SCIE | AUG 2014 |
2349- 5804 | 2349- 5812 |
IJ | Harmonic elimination of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter based active power filter controlled by intelligent techniques |
Chandra Sekhar, K., Nageswara Rao, G., Sangameswara Raju, P. | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems |
SCI / SCIE | OCT 2014 |
0142- 0615 | |
IJ | Optimal Location of UPFC for Congestion Relief in Deregulated Power Systems |
J. Vara Prasad, K. Chandra Sekhar | Journal of Electrical Engineering |
SCI / SCIE | OCT 2014 |
1582- 4594 | |
IJ | Optimal location of UPFC for congestion relief in deregulated power system |
Varaprasad Janamala, Chandra Sekhar Koritala | Journal of Electrical Engineering |
SCI / SCIE | OCT 2014 |
1582- 4594 | 1335- 3632 |
IJ | Performance of fuzzy based shunt active power filter using indirect current control technique |
CH Sujatha, K Chandra Sekhar, Ravi Teja Boppa | International Journal of Science and Research |
| DEC 2014 |
| 2319- 7064 |
IJ | A wind energy power conversion by utilizing STATCOM for power quality problem. |
K V Gopalachari, Sudha Sainath | International journal of advanced technology in engineering and science |
| DEC 2014 |
2348- 7550 | |
Type | Title of Paper |
Name of the author/s | Name of the Conference |
Publish Year | e-ISBN No |
IC | PIV and lead compensator design using Lambert W function for rotary motions of SRV02 plant |
Rama Koteswara Rao Ana, Niraj Choudhary, JS Lather, GL Pahuja |
2014 IEEE 10th International colloquium on signal processing and its applications |
MAR 2014 |
IC | Performance analysis of a hybrid power system with three phase interleaved bidirectional converter |
N Chaitanya, KSR Anjaneyulu, K Chandra Sekhar |
2014 International Conference on Smart Electric Grid (ISEG) |
SEP 2014 |
IC | Critical Clearing Time and Transient Stability Analysis of SCIG based Wind Farm with STATCOM |
P. Sravanthi, K. Radha Rani, Dr. J. Amarnath, Dr. S. Kamakshaiah |
IEEE Proceedings of International conference on Smart Electric Grid-2014 (ICSEG - 2014) |
SEP 2014 |
NC | Application of STATCOM to improve Critical Clearing Time & Transient Stability of SCIG Based Wind Farm |
K. Radha Rani, Dr. J. Amarnath, Dr. S. Kamakshaiah |
National Conference on Smart Grids for Smart Cities (SGSC-2014) |
NOV 2014 |
IC | Reliability analysis with parametric and non parametric ranking of buck converter components |
RamaKoteswara Rao Alla, GL Pahuja, JS Lather |
2014 IEEE 6th India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) |
DEC 2014 |
IC | Importance measures based risk and reliability analysis of substation automation systems |
RamaKoteswara Rao Alla, GL Pahuja, JS Lather |
2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) |
DEC 2014 |
IC | Risk and reliability analysis of substation automation systems using importance measures |
RamaKoteswara Rao Alla, GL Pahuja, JS Lather |
2014 Eighteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) |
DEC 2014 |