Department of

Faculty Publications

YEAR 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Journal Publication Details (2016) IJ:18, NJ:0
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the JournalIndexing Type Publish YearISSN No e-ISSN No
IJA Review on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Metal matrix Composites V.Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.SarcarJournal of Polymer & Composites SCI / SCIEJAN 2016
IJMicrostructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-20%Cu-10%Mg Alloy Particles Reinforced A2024 Metallic Composites M.Gopi Krishna, K.Praveen Kumar,J.Babu Rao & NRMR BhargavaScience Spectrum (Journal of Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences) JAN 2016
IJReview on different trends in friction stir welding B. Supraja and B. Ramgopal ReddyInternational Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology JAN 2016
IJA Review on Properties of Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composites via Stir Casting V.Rama koteswara Rao, J.Rangaraya Chowdary, A.Balaji, D.Sai Krishna, B.P.R.Bhavabhuthi, G.Sreevatsava, K.AbhiramInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research FEB 2016 2229- 5518
IJDry sliding wear behavior of TiC –AA7075 Metal Matrix Composites V.Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.SarcarInternational Journal of Applied Science and Engineerig SCI / SCIEMAR 2016 1727- 2394
IJModeling and Simulation of Nano and Multiscale Composites B. Ramgopal Reddy, K. Ramji and B. SatyanarayanaInternational Journal of Hybrid Information Technology MAR 2016
IJOptimization of Process Parameters for Minimum Volumetric Wear Rate on AA7075-TiC Metal Matrix Composite V.RamakoteswaraRao, M. Srinivasa Rao, N.RamanaiahM.M.M.Sarcar, and G.KartheekInternational Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering SCI / SCIEMAR 2016
IJTribological properties of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (AA7075 Reinforced with Titanium Carbide (TiC) Particles) V.Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.SarcarInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology APR 2016
IJResponse surface Methodology and Desirability Approach to Optimize EDM Parameters ChittaranjanDas. VInternational Journal of Hybrid Information Technology JUN 2016
IJ“A Review On Natural Fiber Polymeric Composites” V Vijaya Bhaskar, Dr. Kolla SrinivasJournal of Informative & Futuristic Research(IJIFR) JUN 2016 2347- 1697
IJDesign and Optimization of Metal Matrix Composite (MMC’S) Spur Gear Purushottam Karthik Janaswamy, Rohith Sai Tunuguntla, Sai Praneeth SinguInternational Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology JUN 2016 2252- 04062383- 4447
IJOptimization of machining parameters for EDM operations based on central Composite design and desirability approach ChittaranjanDas. VInternational journal of science and advanced Engineering JUN 2016
IJFabrication and Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium SiC metal matrix composites C.Sailaja and B.Ramgopal ReddyInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) JUL 2016 2347- 6710
IJ“Review and Framework for Task Allocation for a Robot in Digital Manufacturing : a Simulation Approach” Yarram Srinivas, Dr.Kolla Srinivas, Dr.Sridhar CNV, Peddi Sreenivasa RaoIJSER JUL 2016
IJ, “Design of Ventilation and air conditioning for 50 Ton bollard pull utility tug built for indian navy” K.Lakshmi chaitanya, Dr.K.Srinivas, K.Jagadish Chandra BoseJournal of Refrigeration, Air conditioning, Heating and Ventilation AUG 2016 2394- 1952
IJ.”Decentralized production Planning in Multi-echelon Supply Chain Network using intelligent Agents” TVSRK Prasad, K.Srinivas ,C.Srinivasjournal of the operation research society of india(OPSEARCH) by springer SCI / SCIEAUG 2016 0030- 3887
IJOptimization of volumetric wear rate of AA7075-TiC metal matrix composite by using taguchi technique V.Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.SarcarJordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering SCI / SCIEAUG 2016 1995- 6665
IJMechanical and tribological properties of AA7075–TiC metal matrix composites under heat treated (T6) and cast conditions V.Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.SarcarJournal of Materials Research and Technology SCI / SCIEOCT 2016 2238- 7854
Conference Publication Details (2016) IC:3, NC:0
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the Conference Publish Yeare-ISBN No
ICJIT under fire in the supply chain – a case study in automobile manufacturing Unit K.Sridhar, V.Chittaranjan Das Proc. of 22ndInternational Conference on CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the future, VIT,Vellore, JUL 2016
ICApplication of Grey-Taguchi Technique for Optimization of Process Parameters for wear behavior on AA7075-TiC metal matrix composites V.Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.Sarcar 6th International and 27th All India manufacturing technology, Design and Research conference (AIMTDR-2016) DEC 2016
ICMicrostructure and Hardness Evaluation of AZ91–Al2O3 Nano- Composites fabricated by Semi Solid Stir Casting C. Tara Sasanka, K. Ravindra, D. Sameer Kumar, K.N.S. Suman, Palash Poddar 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) DEC 2016