Department of

Research Guides and Scholars

Details of the Registered Guides

S No Name of the Teacher Year of Registration No of Scholars
Awarded Pursuing
1. Dr. K.Ravindra 2008 7 4
2. Dr. Kolla Srinivas 2006 12 4
3. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad 2011 2 6
4. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das 2011 6 9
5. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao 2011 3 5
6. Dr. C.Srinivas 2014 0 7
7. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy 2014 3 6
8. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer 2014 3 6
9. Dr. G.Chaitanya 2014 3 1
10. Dr. S.Radhika 2018 0 0
11. Dr. N.Govind 2014 1 7
12. Dr. K.Praveen Kumar 2022 0 7
13. Dr. V.R.K.Rao 2018 0 1
14. Dr. C.Tara Sasanka 2018 0 2

Details of Scholars Obtained Degree under Registered Guides

S No Name of the Teacher Name of the Scholar Title of the Thesis AwardedYear
1. Dr. Kolla Srinivas Kalluri Ramakotaiah Machine Tool Chatter Analysis. MAR 2009
2. Dr. Kolla Srinivas G. Chaitanya Optimum Design of Axial Flow Compressor using Genetic Algorithm Approach MAR 2012
3. Dr. K.Ravindra S. Malleswara Rao Experimental Evaluation of Machining Parameters for Cutting Tool Materials in WEDM SEP 2014
4. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao S.B.Venkata Siva Preparation and characterization of Aluminium metal matrix composite with novel in situ ceramic composite particles, developed from waste colliery shale material JAN 2016
5. Dr. Kolla Srinivas Mahesh Maalapati Integrating Design and Engineering Process to Reduce Production Cycle Time in Product Development JUN 2016
6. Dr. K.Ravindra P.Srinivasa Rao Parametric Control in Wire EDM for aviation materials & Development of Machineability Index JUN 2016
7. Dr. K.Ravindra C.Tarasasanka Processing of Evaluation of Mechanical and Wear Characteristics of Mg Alloy housed MMC NOV 2017
8. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao Siva Sankarraju Characterisation of Al based MMC's reinforced with coconut shell ash JAN 2018
9. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das P.H.Prasada Rao Effect of Environmental and aging behaviour on mechanical, damping and fatige properties of polymer nanocomposites JAN 2018
10. Dr. K.Ravindra M.Mounika Extraction of Nano Cellulose From Pistachio Shells/Green Gram Husk and Effect of its addition on mechanical behavior of hybrid banana composites DEC 2018
11. Dr. N.Govind S.Kiran Kumar Experimental investigation of performance and emission characteristics of DI-Diesel engine fuelled with Bio-Diesel FEB 2019
12. Dr. K.Ravindra K.Vijayabhaskar Fabrication, Characterization and Wear Studies of AI 2024/FA/Sic Rain forced Composites MAR 2019
13. Sriram Ravi Sekhar Characterization of friction surfaced deposits (Stainless Steel and Tool steel M2 over low carbon steel) JUN 2019
14. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das Sriram Ravi Sekhar Characterization of friction surfaced deposits (stainless steel and Tool steel M2 over low carbon steel) JUN 2019
15. Hariprasada Rao Pydi awarded Influence of Nanoclay inclusion on Thermal Aging Behavour, Mechanical and fatigue Properties of ABS/HDPE/PP Thermoplastic Polymer Composites. JUL 2019
16. Dr. G.Chaitanya K. S.Koteswara Rao Optimization of process parameters in machining TI6ALV4 Alloys AUG 2019
17. Naga Swapna Sri Movva Fabrication, Characterization And Deformation Studies On A356/Cu Particulates Reinforced Metallic Composites AUG 2019
18. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das Naga Swapnasri Fabrication, Characterization and Deformation studies on A356/Cu Particulate reinforced Metallic Composites AUG 2019
19. Dr. Kolla Srinivas B.Tulasi Rama Rao Stability Analysis for Turning process at different operating parameters SEP 2019
20. K.BhaskerMutyalu Performance Evaluation ,Combustion And Emission Characteristics Of Diesel Engine Fueled With SheaOlein Biodisel NOV 2019
21. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das K.Bhasker Mutyalu Performance Evalution,combustion and Emission Charcteristics of Deisel Engine Fueled with SHEA OLEIN Bio-Diesel NOV 2019
22. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao N.Nageswara Reddy Modelling & Analysis of CI Engines Performance & Emissions of Bio-Diesel JAN 2020
23. Dr. K.Ravindra V.Tara Chand Exploration of Different Blade Cooling Strategies in the perspective of combined cycle power augmentation AUG 2020
24. Dr. Kolla Srinivas T.V.S.R.K. Prasad Two Production Distribution Planning Models for a Multi-Product Multi Period Supply Chain NOV 2020
25. Dr. Kolla Srinivas M.Vijaya Investigation of mechanical properties of aluminum hybrid metal matrix composites JAN 2021
26. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy Raffi Mohammed Fabrication, Mechanical characterization and erosion wear response of E-Glass fibre reinforced and particulate filled polymer based hybrid composites FEB 2021
27. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer Anusha Peyyala Experimental investigation of optimum insulation in VCR system with chlorodiflourometh ane and mixture of diflouromethane and pentaflouromethane FEB 2021
28. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy Sailaja. A Optimization of friction stir processing of ZE41/SiC magnesium rare earth composites APR 2021
29. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer Santhisree Nerell Experimental analysis of the closed loop pulsating heat pipe with different working fluids at different fill ratios and orientations MAY 2021
30. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer Suresh Babukoppu Effect of an ancient biological noble material as nano additive in IC engine lubricating oil MAY 2021
31. Dr. Kolla Srinivas Mohammdhasheer Shaik Investigation of a low GWP refrigerants and mixtures in the perspective of searching alternative refrigerants to replace R134a in a domestic refrigerator 4. Ph.D Projects UNDER Progress SEP 2021
32. Dr. K.Ravindra Tirumala Rao Chinka Fabrication, Characterization, Wear and Corrosion Studies on AZ91D-COCKLE Shell Ash Powder Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites using Stir-Casting DEC 2021
33. R.Vijay Prakash Characterization of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite (AL7075/B4C/Zro2) and Optimization of EDM Machining parameters using RSM Method JAN 2022
34. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das R.Vijaya Prakash Characterization of Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite (AL7075/B4C/Zro2) and Optimization of EDM Machining parameters using RSM Method JAN 2022
35. MRS.Nannepaga Sulakshna Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Process parameters using Cryogenic cooled Micro Electrical Discharge Machining of INCONEL-825 by utilizing Topsis Method FEB 2022
36. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das N.Sulakshana Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Process parameters using Cryogenic cooled Micro Electrical Discharge Machining of INCONEL-825 by utilizing Topsis Method FEB 2022
37. Dr. G.Chaitanya M.L.Aparna Investigations on fatigue damage and repair of 430 GSM Sika E-glass FRP composites using Digital Image correlation Technique FEB 2022
38. Dr. Kolla Srinivas D.Kondala Rao Dominant features identification of tool wear monitoring in hard turning by using acoustic emission and vibration techniques. JUL 2022
39. MRS. Mandula Anuradha Experimental Investigation On Mechanical And Metallurgical Properties of Tig Welds Between Inconel718 And Aisi4140 AUG 2022
40. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy Supraja Reddy B Influence of Process Parameters and Tool on Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Pure Copper and Aluminum Alloy AA7075 Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Joints OCT 2022
41. Dr. G.Chaitanya K. Siva Prasad Optimization of process parameters in machining GFRP by abrasive water jet NOV 2022
42. Dr. Kolla Srinivas J. Leela Krishna Fabrication, characterization and optimization of machining parameters on BF slag particulates reinforced composites using multi criteria decision making methods. DEC 2022
43. Dr. Kolla Srinivas V. Vijayabhaskar An experimental and micro mechanical study on physical,mechanical and thermal properties of banana-palmyra fiber reinforced polymer composites. FEB 2023
44. MRS.Gonda Siva Karuna Optimization of Machining characteristics of age-hardened aa2024 hybrid composite reinforces with nano red mud and fly ash APR 2023
45. MR. Karumuri Srikanth Development And Characterization Of Zrb2 Ceramic Reinforced Aluminium –Magnesium-Zinc (Al-Mg-Zn) Alloy Composites MAY 2023
46. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad G.Kishore Chowdary Preparation, Characterization of natural fibre reinforced composites JUL 2023
47. MR Buragadda Kiran Kumar Experimental Investagation And Optimization Of Wire Edm Machining Characteristics Of Aisi P20+ Ni Steel AUG 2023
48. MR Itha Veeranjaneyulu Fabrication, Characterization And Tribological Studies On Az31/Sic/Graphite Reinforced Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites Using Taguchi Approach AUG 2023
49. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad G.S.Krishna Chaitanya Facility Layout problem SEP 2023
50. Dr. Kolla Srinivas B. Purna Chandrasekh Tool condition Monitoring in Hard turning using Acoustic emission & Vibration Signature JAN 2024
51. Dr. Kolla Srinivas K. Lakshmi Chaitanya Surface integrity prediction of super alloy coated material FEB 2024

Details of Scholars Working under Registered Guides

S.No. Name of the Teacher Name of the Scholar Title of the Thesis RegisteredYear
1. Dr. K.Ravindra G.F.Chakravarthi Preparation & Characterization of Copper Metal Matrix Composites JAN 2014
2. Dr. K.Ravindra K.Isaac Spurgeon Noise Reduction in Industrial Fans JAN 2014
3. Dr. K.Ravindra P. Srivalli Micro Gas Turbines JAN 2016
4. Dr. K.Ravindra Dayanidhi Govardhanam Development of Hybrid Nano Bio-silica Polymer Composite for Mechanical and Tribological Appliations AUG 2020
5. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad K.Ramesh Babu Cellular Manufacturing JAN 2008
6. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad G.Govinda Rao Characteristics of EDM process JAN 2014
7. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad K.Seshagiri Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Composites JAN 2014
8. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad M.Y.Prasada Rao Metal Matrix Composites JAN 2014
9. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad Abdul Latif Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites JAN 2018
10. Dr. D.V.V.Krishna Prasad B.N.V.Srinivas Facility Layout problem JAN 2018
11. Dr. Kolla Srinivas M.V.A.Rama Krishna Modeling and Process Analysis of Friction Stir welding JAN 2014
12. Dr. Kolla Srinivas N.Surekha Optimization of principal Dimensions of Radial Flow Gas Turbine rotor using Genetic Algorithm JAN 2014
13. Dr. Kolla Srinivas P. Mastan Rao Studies on highsilica/phenolic and galss/phinolic flame retardant composites JAN 2014
14. Dr. Kolla Srinivas Y. Srinivas Framework for task allocation for a robot in digital manufacturing : s simulation approach JAN 2014
15. Dr. G.Chaitanya Siva Naga Raju Composites JAN 2014
16. Dr. K.Praveen Kumar Ch.Kam Prasad MAR 2016
17. Dr. K.Praveen Kumar B.SrinuNaik MMiS MAR 2016
18. Dr. K.Praveen Kumar P. Ashok Reddy Metallic Materials MAR 2016
19. Dr. K.Praveen Kumar K. Supriya High Entropy alloys MAR 2016
20. Dr. K.Praveen Kumar G. Chakra Sirisha High Entropy Alloys MAR 2016
21. Dr. K.Praveen Kumar K. Hari Prasad Performance Evaluation, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Fish Oil bio Diesel MAR 2018
22. Dr. K.Praveen Kumar B.Srinunaik MMis JAN 2020
23. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das D.Nagesh Mechanical Behavior of Orange Peel Reinforced Epoxy Composite JAN 2014
24. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das M.V.L.Manohar Non-conventional Machining of Metal Matrix Composites: Parametric Appraisal and Multi-Objective Optimization JAN 2014
25. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das K.V.Jawahar Thermal and Dielectric Behaviour of Polymer Composites with Hybrid Fillers. JAN 2015
26. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das M.Anuradha Tribologicalbehaviour of rice husk reinforced polymer matrix composite. JAN 2015
27. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das G.Bujjibabu Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of Nanofiller Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposite. JAN 2016
28. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das G.Chaitanya A Study on Thermal Characteristics of Epoxy Composites Filled with Natural Fiber and Particulate. JAN 2016
29. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das G.Sureshbabu Processing & characterization of jute/glass fiber reinforced epoxy based hybrid composites. JAN 2016
30. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das I.Bhanulatha Processing, characterization and sliding wear behavior of functionalized carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy matrix composite JAN 2016
31. Dr. V.Chittaranjan Das S.Rajeswara Rao Surface Modification of AISI 1020 Mild Steel by Electrical Discharge Coating with Tungsten and Copper Mixed Powder Green Compact Electrodes JAN 2016
32. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao Ajaykumar.P Al-Mg based MMC';s Fabrication &Characterisation JAN 2008
33. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao S.Bhavani.A Optimization of Parameters in Friction Stir Welding JAN 2008
34. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao Bharathi.P Optimization of Parameters in WEDM JAN 2010
35. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao Gayatri.U Metal Matrix Composites JAN 2010
36. Dr. G.Srinivasa Rao M. Usha Optimization of parameters with Nano Herbal Fluids MQL MAR 2014
37. Dr. C.Srinivas Arunasanthi.K Fuels in automobiles JAN 2008
38. Dr. C.Srinivas Balajinaik.M Industrial Engg JAN 2008
39. Dr. C.Srinivas Jayaram.P Design JAN 2011
40. Dr. C.Srinivas Jushukumar.S Friction Welding JAN 2011
41. Dr. C.Srinivas Nagamalleswararao.A Welding JAN 2011
42. Dr. C.Srinivas Santhanam.G Industrial Engg JAN 2012
43. Dr. C.Srinivas Roganatha Rao Manufacturing JAN 2014
44. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy Ranjitkumar.R Fabrication and Characterization of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites JAN 2014
45. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy V.S.Kumarnaik.R Characteristics of Aluminium based Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites JAN 2014
46. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy L.Ravi Composites JAN 2017
47. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy Swetha M Wear Resistance of Stellite-6/TiC Coating on Stainless Steel 316L Produced by Laser Cladding Process OCT 2017
48. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy Manohar Babu J Characterization of Fly Ash based Aluminium Compsites APR 2022
49. Dr. B.Ram Gopal Reddy Baji Karimulla Reddy S Fracture Analysis of Composites APR 2022
50. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer J.Sitapriyadasini Effect of Lubricants on Machining JAN 2011
51. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer Madhu Kumar Rach Performance Analysis & Evaluation of 2-Phase Case-Cade Vertex Tube JAN 2011
52. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer Maruthi Rao Mart Experimental Study on a effect of Biological Quenching Medium on Micro-Structural & Mechanical Properties of Al-Alloy JAN 2011
53. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer D.Bharath Prasanna Alternative Fuels JAN 2014
54. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer Narasimha Rao Refrigerant Blends JAN 2014
55. Dr. N.V.V.S.Sudheer Subrahmanya Varma Boiler Performance JAN 2016
56. Dr. N.Govind Ananda Rao Friction Stir Processing NOV -0001
57. Dr. N.Govind G.Anil Kumar F.G.R.P with CNT's NOV -0001
58. Dr. N.Govind G.Nagarjuna Analysis of Heat Exchangers using C & D NOV -0001
59. Dr. N.Govind M.Dedeepya Friction Stir Welding NOV -0001
60. Dr. N.Govind Mani Kumar Friction Stir Welding NOV -0001
61. Dr. N.Govind Sirisha Friction Stir Processing NOV -0001
62. Dr. N.Govind Venkateswara Rao Friction Stir Welding NOV -0001
63. Dr. V.R.K.Rao J.Rangaraya Chowdary Fabrication and charecterization ofAl Metal Matrix Composites DEC 2018
65. Dr. C.Tara Sasanka Y.N.V.Sairam Experimental Investigation and Characterization of Lanthanum Hexa-aluminate reinforced AZ91E Magnesium Alloy Composite NOV -0001