Department of

List of Faculty

SNo Staff Name Qualification Designation Email Office Ext Details
1. Dr. K.SrinivasPh.DPrincipal[email protected]Ext: 103
2. Dr. K.Ravindra Ph.DProfessor, Director - Academics, R&D[email protected]Ext: 333
3. Dr D.V.V. Krishna PrasadPh.DProfessor and HOD[email protected]Ext: 200
4. Dr. V. Chittaranjan DasPh.DProfessor[email protected]Ext: 207
5. Dr. G. Srinivasa RaoPh.DProfessor[email protected]Ext: 212
6. Dr. C.SrinivasPh.DProfessor[email protected]Ext: 201
7. Dr. B. Ramgopal ReddyPh.DProfessor[email protected]Ext: 201
8. Dr N.V.V.S.SsudheerPh.DProfessor[email protected]Ext: 201
9. Dr. K.Bala PrasadPh.DProfessor[email protected]Ext: 202
10. Dr. G. ChaitanyaPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]Ext: 203
11. Dr. N.GovindPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]Ext: 215
12. Dr. K. Praveen KumarPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]Ext: 215
13. Dr. Radhika SajjaPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]Ext: 208
14. Dr. V.Ramakoteswara RaoPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]Ext: 215
15. Dr. R.SreenivasuluPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]Ext: 203
16. Dr. P.Suresh KumarPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]Ext: 201
17. Dr. D.SwapnaPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]Ext: 208
18. Mr Patibandla Rakesh ChowdaryM.Tech.,Asst. Professor
19. Mr Muttineni V NagarjunaM.Tech.,Asst. Professor
20. Dr. G.Kishore ChowdariPh.DAssociate Professor[email protected]
21. Mr Basheer Ahmed ShaikM.Tech.,Asst. Professor
22. Ms P. SravaniM.Tech.,Asst. Professor
23. Mr Sakhamuri Venkata KishoreM.Tech.,Asst. Professor
24. Mr Venkata Pavan Kumar AkulaM.Tech.,Asst. Professor
25. Mr Natha Arun KumarM.Tech.,Asst. Professor
26. Mr Bobbili PraveenM.Tech.,Asst. Professor
27. Dr. Muddu AlaparthiPh.DAssistant Professor[email protected]Ext: 215