Department of

Sponsored Projects

Completed Projects

Scheme Agency Name of the Coordinator Title of the Project Amount GrantYear Duration
MODROBSAICTE Dr. Kommineni Ravindra,
Project Co-ordinator
Modernization of CAM Laboratory ₹ 7,00,000/-20172 Years
Major Research ProjectUGC Dr.K.Ravindra,
Principal Investigator
Fabrication and Characterization of Nano A1203 reinforced Magnesium Metal Matrix Composites ₹ 4,36,000/-20133 Years
Major Research ProjectUGC Dr.K.Srinivas,
Principal Investigator
Tool Condition Monitoring in Hard Turning using Acoustic Emission and Vibration Signature ₹ 8,07,000/-20134 Years
Project Co-ordinator
Modernization of CAM Laboratory ₹ 11,00,000/-20112 Years
MODROBSAICTE Prof. K.Pameswara Rao,
Project Co-ordinator
MOD CAM Laboratory ₹ 9,00,000/-20061 Year
Project Co-ordinator
Mechatronics Lab ₹ 12,00,000/-20023 Years
Project Co-ordinator
CAD Laboratory ₹ 11,00,000/-20005 Years
Project Co-ordinator
MOD of CAD/CAM Lab ₹ 5,00,000/-19998 Years

OnGoing Projects

Scheme Agency Name of the Coordinator Title of the Project Amount GrantYear
Industrial Research ProjectDESIGN TRIBE (INDIA) PVT. LTD Dr. C. Tara Sasanka,
Principal Investigator
Evaluation and Optimisation of Process Parameters for Agitation In Concrete Mixing ₹ 4,00,000/-2020
Industrial Research ProjectDESIGN TRIBE (INDIA) PVT. LTD Dr.N.V.V.S. Sudheer,
Principal Investigator
Improvement of COP of Air-Conditioning Systems By Using Different Types of Insulations And Nano-Compressor oil ₹ 4,50,000/-2020
Industrial Research ProjectSRI VENKATESWARA ELECTRICALS PVT LTD, GUNTUR Dr. K.Praveen Kumar,
Principal Investigator
Mechanical and Electrical Behaviour of Boron &Vanadium Doped Fe-6.5? (WT. %) Si Soft Magnetic Alloy Ribbons Fabricated By Direct Powder Rolling ₹ 5,50,000/-2020
Industrial Research ProjectSRI VENKATESWARA ELECTRICALS PVT LTD, GUNTUR Dr. Rama Koteswara Rao,
Principal Investigator
Development and Characterization of Boron & Vanadium Doped Fe-6.5(WT. %) Si Soft Magnetic Alloy Ribbons With TiO2 Coatings ₹ 4,50,000/-2020
Industrial Research ProjectSRI VENKATESWARA ELECTRICALS PVT LTD, GUNTUR Dr. K. Bala Prasad,
Principal Investigator
Investigation on Performance Improvement Methods of Transformer Using Nano Fluids In The Perspective of Cooling ₹ 4,00,000/-2020
Internal Research ProjectRVR & JC College of Engineering Dr C. Tara Sasanka,
Principal Investigator
Evaluation and optimization of process parameters during heat transfer of coal water slurry used in coal gasification plant ₹ 40,000/-2019
Internal Research ProjectRVR & JC College of Engineering D. Kondala Rao,
Principal Investigator
Experimental investigation of herbal based Nano cutting Fluids with MQL in optimization of turning ₹ 40,000/-2019
Internal Research ProjectRVR & JC College of Engineering Ch Devaraj,
Principal Investigator
Performance evaluation of Nickel coated Alumina Reinforced AZ91E magnesium compisites for alloy wheel applications ₹ 30,000/-2019

Other Grants Received

Scheme Agency Coordinator Name Purpose of the Grant Amount GrantYear
SeminarDST Dr.S.RadikaScience Technology & Innovation STI Based Entrepreneurship – Women Entrepreneurship Development Program (WEDP) Rs 1,00,000/-2023
RPSAICTE - RPS Dr.V.Chittaranjan DasSynthesis and Characterization of MWCNTs / UHMWPE Nanocomposites for Orthopedic Applications Rs 9,09,000/-2022
SeminarDST - NI MAT Dr.S.RadikaTechnology Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme Rs 1,60,000/-2021
PRERANAAICTE Dr. K.Praveen KumarPRERANA SCHEME Rs 8,00,000/-2019
SeminarAICTE - FDP Dr.G.Srinivasa RaoResearch Methodology, Design of Experiments for Engineers and Researchers Rs 5,68,000/-2019
SeminarDST Dr.S.RadikaEntrepreneurship Development Programme Rs 48,000/-2018
STTPAICTE - ISTE Dr G.Srinivasa RaoResearch Methodology, Design and Analysis of Experiments Rs 3,00,000/-2018
Minor Research ProjectUGC Mrs. D.SwapnaFlow forming behavior of extra deep drawn AI6061 under warm deep drawing. Rs 3,15,000/-2017
SeminarAICTE Dr. C.SrinivasEmerging Technologies and Challenges in Mechanical Engineering Rs 5,28,000/-2017
SeminarAICTE Dr. V.Chittaranjan DasAdvances in Nanocomposite Materials and their Fabrication Rs 1,00,000/-2017
SeminarDST-SERB Dr.V.ChittaranjanDasAdvances in Composite Materials (AMC-2017) Rs 50,000/-2017
SeminarDST-SERB Dr.V.ChittaranjanDasDevelopment of Tools using Biomaterials for medical applications Rs 75,000/-2015
SeminarDST-SERB Dr.V.Chittaranjan DasNational Seminar on Futuristic trends of Nano-composites and their fabrication Rs 40,000/-2013
SeminarAICTE Dr.V.Chittaranjan Das,Advances Bio Materials for Medical Applications Rs 1,00,000/-2013
RPS AICTE Dr. K.RavindraDevelopment and Characterization of high strength polymer matrix composites reinforcing with metallic glass particulates Rs 11,90,000/-2012
SeminarAICTE Dr.V.Chittaranjan DasMetal Matrix Composites Rs 60,000/-2010
SeminarAICTE Dr.K.RavindraMicro-machining Rs 40,000/-2010
SeminarAICTE Dr.K.RavindraModernization of Thermal Science Laboratory Rs 4,00,000/-2009
RPSAICTE - TAPTEC Sri G.Bhanuprakash BabuStandardization of Process in Manufacturing of Composite Materials Rs 6,00,000/-2002
RPSAICTE Dr.K.V.J.RaoAdvanced Polymers for Biomedical Use Rs 6,50,000/-2002