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Faculty Publications

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Journal Publication Details (2012-2013) IJ:13, NJ:1
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the JournalIndexing Type Publish YearISSN No e-ISSN No
IJOptimization Of Cutting Parameters As Speed, Feed & Depth Of Cut Based On Surface Roughness In Turning Process Using Genetic Algorithm (Ga) And Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) V.ChittaranjanDas, Mahesh MallampatiInternational Journal of Engineering Research &Technology (IJERT) SEP 2012 2278- 0181
IJFatigue life prediction of a parabolic spring under non-constant amplitude proportional loading using finite element method JP Karthik, KL Chaitanya, C Tara SasankaInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology SEP 2012 2005- 42382207- 6360
IJ“Multi Objective Evolutionary Optimization Techniques based on Non Domination Principle-A Review” Dr.Goteti Chaitanya, Dr.Kolla SrinivasInternational Journal of Advanced Scientific and technical research OCT 2012 2249- 9954
IJPrediction of transient response of isotropic and laminated cylindrical shells using ANN C.TaraSasanka ,V.RamaKoteswara Rao, K.Ravindra, Ch. TirumalaraoInternational Journal of Technological synthesis and Analysis DEC 2012 2320- 2386
IJOptimization of principal Dimensions of Radial Flow Gas Turbine rotor using Genetic Algorithem” N.Surekha,Dr.Srinivas.Kolla,Devaraj.Ch,K.SreekanthInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research DEC 2012 2229- 5518
IJPrediction of Transient Response of Isotropic and Laminated Cylindrical Shells Using Artificial Neural Networks C.Tarasasanka, V.RamaKoteswaraRao, K. Ravindra, Ch.TirumalaRaoInternational Journal of Technological Synthesis and Analysis (IJTSA) DEC 2012
IJ“Effect of processing Parameters on surface finish of the components processed by CNC turning Machine” B.Tulasi Rama rao, Dr.K.Srinivas, Dr.P.Rami Raddy,A.Ravendra,,Dr.B.V.R.Ravi KumarInternational Journal of mechanical Engineering application Research (IJMEAR) MAR 2013 2249- 6564
IJ“Optimization of Gripper by Using Ant Colony Metaphor” Neha Nag K., Ch. Deva Raj, Dr.Kolla Srinivas and Mastan Rao PResearch Journal of Engineering Sciences APR 2013 2278- 9472
IJMulti-Objective Optimization of Milling Parameters for Machining Cast Iron on Machining Centre D.V.V. Krishna Prasad and K. BharathiResearch Journal of Engineering Sciences MAY 2013 2278- 9472
NJFabrication and Testing of Rice Straw Reinforced Polymer Composites B. Ramgopal Reddy, K. Siva, M. Vinay Kumar and Sk Abbas ShareefIndian Science Cruiser JUN 2013
IJ“Optimal control of the cutting force in metal cutting operations” B. Tulasi Rama rao, Dr.K. Srinivas, Dr.P.Ram Reddy,K.Ramakotaiah, K.Naveena LathaJournal of mechanical engineering applications research (IJMEAR) JUN 2013 2249- 6564
IJConditon Monitoring and Boiler Analysis of Feed Pump G.Suresh Babu, V. Chittaranjan DasInternational Journal of Scientific and Research Publications JUN 2013
IJModelling and Similation of Multi Automated Guided Vehicles in a Factory Layout Srinivas. C, ChittaranjanDas.V” International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, IJSRR JUN 2013
IJStudy of the effect of processing time of buffer size in a Flexible manufacturing System C.Srinivas, Naveen Ravela, V. Chittaranjan Das, D.Sameer KumarInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems(IJAMS) JUN 2013
Conference Publication Details (2012-2013) IC:4, NC:0
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the Conference Publish Yeare-ISBN No
ICFailure and stress analysis of GFR Laminated Composite pinned joints V.SureshBabu ,C.TaraSasanka , K.Ravindra International Conference on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering(ICMIE) JUL 2012
ICLife assessment of parabolic spring under cyclic stress and cyclic strain using Finite element Method J.P.Karthik, K.Lakshmi Chaitanya, C.Tarasasanka International Conference on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE) JUL 2012
ICInvestigation of Mechanical Properties of Rice Straw Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites B.Ramgopal Reddy, K.Siva, M.Vinay Kumar, Sk.Abbas Shareef 4th International & 25th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2012), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India DEC 2012
ICFabrication and characterization of Stir casting TiC Reinforced Aluminum (AL7075) Metal Matrix Composites Veeravalli Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.Sarcar latest innovations in mechanical engineering (LIME-2013) APR 2013