
Kinematics and Vibrations Details

Kinematics deals with the relative motion between the parts, neglecting the forces which act on them. Dynamics of machine deals with the forces acting on the different parts of the mechanism. The forces can be either static or dynamic. Also kinetics is the study of forces when the body is in motion, whereas statics deals with forces when the body is stationary. The important areas of dynamics are balancing, vibrations, whirling and other basic principles of applied mechanics which are fully covered using this range of products.

This laboratory contains equipment's both in the form of working and non-working models through which the students are able to synergies theory and practical skills. This lab describes the physical concepts that govern the behaviour of machines. It comprises the study of relative motions between parts of the machines and the forces that act on these parts due to constrained motion. It helps in the understanding of various forms of kinematics chain and their inversions through physical model setups. The moving parts of all machines inherently produce vibration and noise. Hence the system is required to be designed in a manner so as to anticipate a vibration problem and minimize its undesirable effects.