Department of Physics

Department Laboratories

Under Graduate (B.Tech) Laboratory Course work

Physics is basically involved with how light, motion, force and heat interact with energy and matter. For further studies of the subject, to come up with new results related to the subject, it is necessary to follow a proper scientific method, which involves performing experiments to prove a certain hypothesis. This is where a physics laboratory is required.

Laboratory work plays a very vital role in the teaching of emerging subjects. Practically in all engineering courses are supplemented by practical courses of that subject and lab work is a group activity and the students in the group should be related so that each one of them has a feel of all the instruments used in that experimental set up. In other words, scientific experiments related to physics are performed in a physics laboratory, more commonly referred as a physics lab. Physics laboratories are also used by students who are studying the science of physics through demonstration.

The undergraduate engineering laboratory, have identified three roles or objectives as major ones: First, the student should learn how to be an experimenter. Second, the laboratory can be a place for the student to learn new and developing subject matter. Third, laboratory courses help the student to gain insight and understanding of the real world.

The purpose of laboratory work as mentioned above is to give answers to some specific questions related to the experiment, analyse the experimental data and explain the significance of the results and to introduce the student to the practical world where he requiring skills in performing the experiment & also train him in the correct use of instruments.