Govt. Funded (751.61 Laks) | Industry Funded (158.25 Laks) | College Funded (8.5 Laks) | MODROBS (207.61 Laks) | Other Grants (85.36 Laks) |
Govt. Funded Research Projects
S. No. | Type of Project | Project Title | Chief Co-Ordinator, Department | Amount sanctioned (in lakhs) | Year of Sanction | Status |
1 | Major Research Project (DRDO) | Low Light Image Illumination and Resolution Enhancement using Visible, IR and Depth Sensors. | Dr N.Renuka | 9.5 | MAR 2024 | Ongoing |
2 | Major Research Project (DST) | i-TBI-Incubation center (DST) | Dr.M.V.P.Chandra Sekhara Rao | 499.5 | MAR 2023 | Ongoing |
3 | RPS (AICTE) | Synthesis and Characterization of MWCNTs / UHMWPE Nanocomposites for Orthopedic Applications | Dr.V.Chittaranjan Das | 9.09 | MAR 2022 | Completed |
4 | Major Research Project (DST) | Wound Dressing Material containing copper coated cotton fabrics and piezoelectric electrospun biopolymer nano-fibrous composites | Dr. K.Sobha | 61.76 | FEB 2022 | Ongoing |
5 | RPS (AICTE) | Integrated monitoring and controlling of Sparsely located Distribution Transformers in Smart grid environment. | Dr.K.Swarnasri | 4.61 | OCT 2021 | Completed |
6 | Minor Research Project (UGC) | Flow forming behavior of extra deep drawn AI6061 under warm deep drawing. | Mrs. D.Swapna | 3.15 | OCT 2017 | Completed |
7 | Minor Research Project (UGC) | Purification and Proteomics of thermotolerant lipase isolated from Aspergillus sps. infesting oil seeds | Dr. K. Sobha | 1.85 | JUN 2017 | Completed |
8 | Minor Research Project (UGC) | A Kinetic Study for photo catalytic degradation of organic contaminants using nano-coated catalysts | Smt. M. Sudheera | 1.71 | JUN 2017 | Completed |
9 | Minor Research Project (UGC) | Studies on the Removal of Trace Organics, Chlorides and Fluorides from Ground Water in Coastal Regions of Andhra Pradesh using Continuous Fixed Bed Adsorption Column | Dr. P. Rohini Kumar | 2.05 | JUN 2017 | Completed |
10 | FIST (DST) | Fund for Improvement of Science & Technology Infrastructure in Higher Education | Dr. K. Chandra Sekhar | 19.5 | NOV 2015 | Completed |
11 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Skeleton based Shape Representation Techniques for Object Recognition | Dr. A. Srikrishna | 10.25 | OCT 2015 | Completed |
12 | Major Research Project (DST) | Protein Engineering of third generation clot specific thrombolytic agent 'staphylokinase' to have N-terminal lipid modification for enhanced stability nad activity. | Dr V.P.B.Rekha | 14.8 | JAN 2014 | Returned |
13 | RPS (UGC) | Control Technique for Dual Inverter Sed Open and Winding Induction Motor | Dr. K.Chandra Sekhar | 9.22 | NOV 2013 | Ongoing |
14 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Fabrication and Characterization of Nano A1203 reinforced Magnesium Metal Matrix Composites | Dr.K.Ravindra | 4.36 | FEB 2013 | Completed |
15 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Tool Condition Monitoring in Hard Turning using Acoustic Emission and Vibration Signature | Dr.K.Srinivas | 8.07 | FEB 2013 | Completed |
16 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Analysis of Ultra Wide BandSignal Attenuation through Typical Building Materials | Dr. Alapati Sudhakar | 9.03 | JAN 2013 | Completed |
17 | RPS (AICTE) | Development and Characterization of high strength polymer matrix composites reinforcing with metallic glass particulates | Dr. K.Ravindra | 11.9 | FEB 2012 | Completed |
18 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Right Jacobson radicals for right near-rings | Dr.R.Srinivasa Rao | 6.88 | JUN 2010 | Completed |
19 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Synthesis and analysis of bioactive novel phosphorus heterocyclic compounds | Dr.N.J.Reddy | 7.36 | JUN 2008 | Completed |
20 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Array Antennas for 'Design of thegeneration of Shaped Beams' | Dr. Alapati Sudhakar | 11.68 | JAN 2008 | Completed |
21 | RPS (AICTE) | Integrated reservoir operation - Irrigation scheduling by dynamic programming. | Dr.A.Srinivasa Prasad | 1.4 | MAR 2003 | Completed |
22 | TSD (DST) | Segmentation of Medical Images using Multi Objective Evolutionary Optimization | Dr. K.Karteeka Pavan | 11.34 | JAN 2003 | Completed |
23 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Phytochemistry & Biological activity of Cuscuta chinensis | Dr.N.J.Reddy | 3.5 | JUN 2002 | Completed |
24 | RPS (AICTE) | Standardization of Process in Manufacturing of Composite Materials | Sri G.Bhanuprakash Babu | 6 | FEB 2002 | Returned |
25 | RPS (AICTE) | Advanced Polymers for Biomedical Use | Dr.K.V.J.Rao | 6.5 | FEB 2002 | Returned |
26 | RPS (AICTE) | Hygrothermal effects on free vibration and buckling of fiber reinforced laminated composite plates using higher- | Dr.K.Srinivasu | 2 | JUN 2000 | Completed |
27 | RPS (AICTE) | Accelerated Infiltration Structures Design and Study. | Dr.P.Ch.Sanjeeva Rao | 4 | APR 1999 | Completed |
28 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Development of Analytical methods with special reference to trace methods and ligands of pharmaceutical importance | Dr.L.Rama Dev | 3 | JUN 1998 | Completed |
29 | Major Research Project (UGC) | Phytochemistry and Biological activity of acanthaceae | Dr.N.J.Reddy | 4.6 | JUN 1998 | Completed |
30 | RPS (AICTE) | Structural Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composite Shells using a Higher-order-theory. | Dr.K.S.Sai Ram | 3 | MAY 1997 | Completed |