About the Alumni Association [ RAJCEAA ]
The Alumni association of this institute is called as RAJCEAA ie.. RVR & JC College of Engineering Alumni Association. This was registered under Societies Act XXI of 1860 with Society No. 140 in 1998. The office headquarters of RAJCEAA is in the premises of RVR & JC college of Engineering, Chowdavaram Guntur-522019, A.P., India.
To Support a life-long relationship between RVR&JC College of Engineering and its alumni.
The mission of the Alumni Association is to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between the Institute and its alumni... to perpetuate a sense of pride in and commitment to the outstanding qualities of the Institution and the education it provides, and to promote, in partnership, a positive image of the Institute and its alumni through communication, service and leadership.
- To encourage, foster and promote close relations between the Institution and its alumni and among the alumni themselves,
- To promote and encourage friendly relations between all members of the alumni body, an interest in the affairs and well-being of the Institution,
- To provide and disseminate information regarding their Alma Matter, its graduates, Faculties and students, to the alumni,
- To initiate and develop programs for the benefit of the alumni,
- To assist and support the efforts of the Institution in obtaining funds for development,
- To serve as a forum through which alumni may support and advance the pursuit of academic excellence at the Institution,
- To guide and assist alumni who have recently completed their courses to obtain employment and engage in productive pursuits useful to society
- to organize and co-ordinate reunion activities of the Alumni and let the Alumni acknowledge their gratitude to their Alma Matter.
- To collect, publish and distribute such information as may be useful to the alumni and their Alma Mater.