'More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate'. Roy T. Bennett
Transition to professional College life is a major change for most of the students as many aspects are new and different. There are many new, more responsibilities to be handled alone at academic and personal fronts. There are issues like academic pressures, social and interpersonal concerns that may result into feeling of loneliness, fear of failure, competitive, financial pressure, anxiety, and stress and anger that impact one's confidence etc.
These concerns need to be ventilated and to be heard by a trusted, friendly, experienced and mature counsellors. Counselling can help students handle these pressures and our students need to understand the need for these learning interventions. We all need help at different points in time. Please seek help for many a things we can't handle alone.
Psychological problem is one of major issues that students often face and find it hard to deal with. With proper guidance and mentoring they are saved from the issues that negatively impact their studies, life's challenges and ensure peace of mind.
Having a session with your Counsellor helps solve issues, unravels your potential and dispel your concerns, fears, apprehensions and assumptions.
Do book a 40 minutes slot and talk to your empathetic counsellor. We work from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. Call: 9395140868: Email: [email protected]