The R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering is affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur since it’s inception. The College is one of the first colleges to be affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU).
The R.V.R. & J.C College strives continuously to meet the stringent qualifications of the institutions like AICTE, UGC and APSCHE. The College has been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) of AICTE four times so far. The college underwent the accreditation process for the very first time in the year 1998. The college applied for renewal of the accreditation in 2002 and got all the seven departments of the college successfully accredited from NBA. Again the college applied for renewal of the accreditation in 2007 and got all the seven departments of the college successfully accredited from NBA. In 2012, all the eligible UG Programmes are accredited. The college applied for renewal of NBA in 2016.
Accreditation by NBA for 5th time for CSE, IT, ECE, EEE & ME UG courses (2017-2018 to 2019-2020).
Accreditation by NAAC "A" grade upto 23rd September, 2019.
Apart from the national bodies like NBA, the RVR&JC College of Engineering also got audited by the Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education (APSCHE) in 2003.