We inadvertently converted the holistic society of the past into the present atomistic society and are bearing the brunt of it right now in the form of several socially unhygienic and unacceptable manifestation of human behaviour despite the best education given to all. In the race for acquiring qualifications and materialistic achievements, we unknowingly dropped the ethical and moral values which were finely integrated in our ancient education system. With the result, we have overwhelming number of �achievers� in different walks of life but majority are not in the strict sense of �education�. Education does not just mean �learning the new and apply for individualistic benefits�. It is �learning the new with the sense of responsibility of its application in judicious, ethical and morally acceptable way causing no harm to any of the components of the �Mother Nature�. The essence of value education does not just imply imparting values for understanding fellow humans better but much beyond and envisages the �nature�. The traditional education system, though presently dismissed as �teacher-centred� had an inherent advantage of passing on the morals and social conduct felt necessary for the future generations to achieve both material and social success. But the reformers felt that the traditional education system depended more on �rote learning� without adequate space for innovation and vertical thinking on the part of the students. Without a debate on these issues, it is strongly felt that modernization or educational reforms while trying to make the education student-centric, innovative, explorative etc. missed the integration of morals and values within the system. As a consequence, the present generation by and large are able to make professional success in terms of �job�, �earnings�, �recognition� etc but not with a concomitant progress or adhering to the ethics and morals of profession and personal life. Some of the manifestations of missing values and morals in the society are dearth for peace, lack of contentment, intolerance to others, self-centric nature and unfortunately the confidence of �easy get away� without punishments for the misdeeds.
Presently, the need for imparting ethical and social values into the education system at professional level, more particularly, involving science, engineering and technology is highly desired not only for personal and societal benefits but to re-establish a strong ethical system that includes professional ethics, compassion, commitment, co-operation, and others, essential for the present and the future. For India that is culturally diverse with renowned ancient technologies attracting world�s attention, it is imperative to re-strengthen our values, morals and ethics and make them in-built in our glorious education system. Promotion of our Indian culture in the present times of �it being neglected� is the need of the hour. The unique and variant Indian culture is a composite of intellectual, societal, spiritual, scriptural, literary, physical or geographical, aesthetic, religion, economy, polity and others. Inculcation of tolerance, acceptance and adherence to socially acceptable and ethically established systems is made part of our curriculum to strengthen the morals, the values and emotional unity in the younger generations which build the future of India.
Our institution is committed for holistic development of our students because they physically get spread across the world by virtue of their profession and would definitely be instrumental in spreading humane attitude and promote well being of the societies of the world. To promote value education among our students, we have training offered at various levels of the under and post-graduate engineering education and post-graduate managerial programs.
Some listed objectives of the value education program for the promotion of:
Sl. No. | Name of the Committee Member | Designation |
1. | Dr. K. Ravindra | Principal |
2. | Dr. K. Swarnasri | Professor in EEE |
3. | Dr. J. Ravindranath | Professor in ECE |
4. | Dr. N. Venkateswara Rao | Professor in CSE |
5. | Dr. K. Shobha | Assoc. Professor in ChE |
6. | Dr. V. Sesha Srinivas | Asst. Professor in IT |
7. | Dr. P. Samantha Chowdary | Asst. Professor in CE |