Welcome to RVR & JC College of Engg


  1. Once candidate enters the examination hall they are governed by the examination rules and will not be permitted to leave the examination hall till the end of the time specified there for.
  2. Candidates are advised to present in the Examination Hall half an hour before the commencement of examination.
  3. Candidates are prohibited from writing register number (except in front page) or name on any part of the answer booklet.
  4. Candidates should carry hall ticket and Photo ID Card to the examination hall.
  5. Candidates have to verify whether correct question paper is received from the invigilator, before taking the examination.
  6. Strict silence should be maintained in the examination hall.
  7. The responsibility of handing over the answer script to the invigilator lies with candidate only.
  8. Candidate should not allow or assist any one to copy from them. Observer, Flying Squat members are empowered to check any candidate in the examination hall or outside the examination hall during the examination for detecting any malpractice.
  9. Candidates are prohibited to bring cell phones, watches, books, note books, wallets or any written material and electronic gadgets other than simple scientific calculator to the examination hall.
  10. Candidates are prohibited from bringing their own mathematical tables, data tables etc., to the examination hall.
  11. Candidates should not write anything on the question paper except register number and they should ensure that they don't have any write-ups on their body as well as on their garments.
  12. The Candidates are prohibited to exchange calculators, scales, pencils, erasers, and sharpeners. etc.,
  13. The candidates are required to strictly follow the examination schedule bells at the following times. The bell shall ring at the following times.

Warning Bell - I(Short Bell):10 minutes before the commencement of examination
Long Bell-I:Issue of Question Paper.
At the commencement of the examination
Warning Bell - II (Short Bell):Half an hour after the commencement of the examination. No student will be allowed in to the examination hall after this bell.
Warning Bell - III (Short Bell):5 minutes before the end of examination
Long Bell-II:At the End of examination (After 3 hours)