Welcome to RVR & JC College of Engg


Objectives of Anti – Ragging Activities:

  1. Creating ragging free atmosphere in and outside of the campus.

  2. Seniors are expected to maintain self-imposed discipline and restraint. In particular, they must be careful about:
    1. Creating cordial relations among students for fulfilling organizational mission and objectives.
    2. Creating awareness among students regarding how the self confidence of the individual influences the national interest.
    3. Capt. (Dr) V.Chittaranjan Das conducted several interaction meetings with Anti Ragging Committee members and advised them to create a ragging free environment.
  3. Anti-ragging squads comprising of faculty members, non-teaching staffs and senior students have been formed to make surprise visits to very sensitive location within the campus and out side the campus.

  4. Number of display boards giving detail descriptions of anti ragging activities, Supreme Court directives and penalty liable to be imposed on those involved in such activities have been displayed at various places within the campus.


  • Mandatory Disclosure of Measures taken for prevention of Ragging.