RVR & JCCE STP Foundation DST - NIDHI - iTBI Scheme Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India & RVR & JC College of Engineering(A)
About RJ E-Nest
RJ E-NEST is the i-TBI at RVR & JC College of Engineering, an umbrella organization for fostering entrepreneurship and nurturing tech startups. Our mission is to establish a vibrant innovation ecosystem that transcends geographical boundaries, supporting aspiring entrepreneurs in transforming their ideas into impactful startups.The initiative aims to inculcate the spirit of Innovation & Entrepreneurship amongst students, innovators, and entrepreneurs, encourage and support innovative ideas, and create startups through incubation.
To emerge as a distinguished catalyst for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, propelling sustainable economic growth, and making a profound societal impact through transformative startups.
The mission of the iTBI at RVRJCCE is to establish a vibrant innovation ecosystem that transcends geographical boundaries. Through strategic partnerships and inclusive programs, we strive to support aspiring entrepreneurs in transforming their ideas into impactful startups. Our commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and social impact drives us to nurture the next generation of innovators and change-makers.
What we do?
The Innovation and Technology Business Incubator (iTBI) at RVRJCCE is dedicated to cultivating a culture of innovation-driven entrepreneurship within technical domains, both among students and faculty. We focus on constructing resilient innovation ecosystems, particularly in regions lacking a robust framework, to foster transformative ideas and encourage the establishment of startup cultures. Through strategic partnerships and inclusive programs, we facilitate connections between academia, investors, mentors, industries, and other institutions, providing comprehensive support for the development and success of impactful startups. Additionally, we offer grants-in-aid funding to champion groundbreaking ideas, enabling the streamlined transformation from conceptualization to prototyping and eventual market entry.
WorkShop | Think Beyond : WorkShop On Validating ideas
RJ E-Nest & ED Cell | Offline
The Workshop aims to provide a structured process for faculty members to share their ideas, gather feedback, and refine their concepts through a series of activities and discussions.
Seminar | World Creativity and Innovation Day
RJ E-Nest & ED Cell | Offline
Experience a transformative event designed to ignite creativity, empower innovation, and propel you toward success in an ever-evolving world.
Session | ELegal Implications in IPR Infringements
RJ E-Nest & ED Cell | Offline
Explore the legal nuances of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) infringements in this insightful event.

Visitor Details

John Doe

Mr. Bharat Gujavarti

Founder & CEO Pragmatiq Systems

Visit Date: 2023-10-16

Jane Smith

Sri Ravi Eswarapu

CEO & Director ā Hub

Visit Date: 2024-02-29

Alice Johnson

Dr.C. Chandra Mouli

Incubation Manager at AIC-SKU

Visit Date: 2023-11-24

Bob Brown

Sri Siva Subramanyam

Business Transformation Leader

Visit Date: 2024-04-20

Emily Davis

Diwakar Vadapalli

Incubation Manager - ā Hub

Visit Date: 2024-02-29

Emily Davis

Dr. A. Raghava Rao

Social Entrepreneur

Visit Date: 2023-11-18

How RJ E-Nest Adds Value
Co Working Space
Financial Aid
IP Support
Networking Events
Software Tools
Technological Infrastructure
Maker Lab
Apply for Ignition Grant