R24 Scheme & Syllabus

Regulations R24-Scheme
SemNoSlNo Subject CodeSubject Name LectureTutorial PracticalMaximum Marks CreditsCategory Syllabus
11EE111 Linear Algebra and Calculus 2 1 - 30 70 3.0 BSPDF
12EE112 Chemistry for Engineers 3 - - 30 70 3.0 BSPDF
13EE113 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering 3 - - 30 70 3.0 ESPDF
14EE114 Programming with C 4 - - 30 70 4.0 ESPDF
15EE115 Communicative English 2 - - 30 70 2.0 HSPDF
16EE151 Chemistry Lab - - 2 30 70 1.0 BSPDF
17EE152 Communicative English Lab - - 2 30 70 1.0 HSPDF
18EE153 Programming with C Lab - - 3 30 70 1.5 ESPDF
19EE154 Health and Wellness, Yoga and Sports - - 1 30 70 0.5 HSPDF
21EE121 Differential Equations, Transforms and Vector Calculus 2 1 - 30 70 3.0 BSPDF
22EE122 Engineering Physics 3 - - 30 70 3.0 BSPDF
23EE123 Programming With Python 2 - - 30 70 2.0 ESPDF
24EE124 Electrical Circuits 4 - - 30 70 4.0 PCPDF
25EE161 Engineering Physics Lab - - 2 30 70 1.0 BSPDF
26EE162 Programming With Python Lab - - 3 30 70 1.5 ESPDF
27EE163 Electrical Circuits Lab - - 3 30 70 1.5 ESPDF
28EE164 Engineering Workshop - - 3 30 70 1.5 ESPDF
29EE165 Engineering Graphics 1 - 4 30 70 3.0 ESPDF
210EE166 NSS / NCC/ Community Service - - 1 30 70 0.5 HSPDF