Smt. Sarayu. Vunnam
Assistant Professor
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department
R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering
Guntur - 522 019
Andhra Pradesh
Phone: +91-863-2288201 Ext: 401(O)
Mobile: 9989509419
E-mail: vs @ rvrjcce.ac.in
Date of Birth:01-07-79
Date of Joining:31-05-07
Educational Qualifications:
- B.Tech at S.R.K.R. Engineering College,Bhimavaram, Affiliated to AU, 1999.
- M.Tech in Electrical Power Systems at JNTU Ananthapur, 2002.
- Pursuing Ph.D. from Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Chennai.
Teaching Experience: 19 Years.
Research Interests:Power Systems AI Techniques.
Vidwan ID
Research Work/Research Papers Published:
- "Modelling & Simulation of Predictive Current mode control of High Power Factor Boost Rectifier", National Conference on Signal Processing & Communication Systems (NCSPCS)-Feb 2008.
- "Simulation study of TCSC Facts controller using MATLAB",ANU Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol-1,Num-2,Dec.2009, pp.23-29.
- "Shunt Active Power Filter for Current Harmonic Cancelation", Proc. Of International Conference on Control,Communication & Power Engineering, July 2010, pp.274-276.
- M.N.V.Subbarayudu, M.L.Pravallika ,P.V.Avinash, P.Bhavya Sree, N.Chatanya Asst.prof and V.Sarayu Asst.prof "Analysis of voltage and current variations in Hybrid power system" IJERT Volume:2,Issue:3 March2015.
- V.Sarayu Asst. Prof 11-Level Multilevel inverter with reduced number of switches --- IJLRES Volume:1,Issue :2, June2015.
Membership of Professional Bodies:Life member ship of I.S.T.E
Workshops / Seminars / Courses Participated:
- Workshop on MATLAB by Cranes Software, at RGMCET,Nandyal in 2003.
- Advances in Power components & systems at LBRC in Sep 2007.
- Advances in Power components & Systems at Vignan University, in Dec 2009.
- Micro controller: Interfacing &programming at ANU, in Feb 2010.
- Work shop on PSCAD at RVR&JC, in Mar 2010.
- A Two day National Workshop on "Emerging trends in Renewable Energy(NWETR-2015)" at KLU, Vaddeswaram, Guntur.
Research work / Research papers published:
- Sarayu Vunnam, M. VanithaSri, RamaKoteswaraRao Alla, "Performance analysis of mono crystalline, poly crystalline and thin film material based 6 X 6 T-C-T PV array under different partial shading situations", Optik, Vol. 248, December 2021, Elsevier. (SCI, Web of Science & Scopus Indexed).
- Sarayu Vunnam "Delta-Bar-Delta Neural Network (NN) control of voltage source converter based adaptive control scheme for power quality improved grid interactive solar PV battery system" Turkish online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry-E-ISSN:1309-6595. (Communicated and expecting acceptance before the end of July 2021).
Book-Chapter Published:
- 1. RamaKoteswaraRao Alla, Sarayu Vunnam (2022) "Blockchain Technology: A Smart Technology for Demand Response in Smart Grids". Control Applications in Modern Power Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 870, Springer, Singapore. (Scopus Indexed).
- "Modelling & Simulation of Predictive Current mode control of High Power Factor Boost Rectifier", National Conference on Signal Processing & Communication Systems (NCSPCS)-Feb 2008.
- "Simulation study of TCSC Facts controller using MATLAB",ANU Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol-1,Num-2,Dec.2009, pp.23-29.
- "Shunt Active Power Filter for Current Harmonic Cancelation", Proc. Of International Conference on Control,Communication & Power Engineering, July 2010, pp.274-276.
- Dr.K. Chandra Sekhar, V.Sarayu, M.Praveen Kumar, "Modelling and simulation of STATCOM for compensation of reactive power by using PI with fuzzy logic controller" IJESR,Volume-3 Issue-6,June2013.
- V.Sarayu, Asst.Prof,M.Navya "A Novel Improved Performance of Intelligence Based BESS-STATCOM for power quality Improving features" IJEEE,ISSN,Volume-4,Issue-3,2014.
- M.N.V.Subbarayudu, M.L.Pravallika, P.V.Avinash, P.Bhavya Sree, N.Chatanya, Asst.prof and V.Sarayu,Asst.prof, "Analysis of voltage and current variations in Hybrid power system" IJERT Volume:2,Issue:3 March2015.
- V.Sarayu, Asst. Prof 11-Level Multilevel inverter with reduced number of switches --- IJLRES Volume:1,Issue :2, June2015.
- V.Sarayu, Asst. Prof, Sankara Sudeep "A Novel strategic Approcah for Dg Location Considering Security Issues" IJEAS ,ISSN:2394-3661,Volume-2,Issue-7,July2015.
- V.Sarayu,Asst. Prof,Syed Mujeer, "Neural Network Based Fault Location in a Distribution Network with DGs" IJSETR,Volume-5,Issue-8,August2016.
- V.Sarayu, Asst.Prof, Himasailavathi, "A Hybrid Grid Connected PV/PEMFC/Battery Distributed Generation System With Advanced Strategy" IJARLT,ISSN:3011-3030,Volume-9,Issue-3,July2017.
- V.Sarayu, Dr.A.RamakoteswaraRao, "Blockchain Technology : A Smart Technology for Demand Response in Smart Grids (Paper ID-180)" 2nd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC-2021), organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Jamshedpur, Jharkhand during 28th -30th May 2021.
- V.Sarayu,Dr.A.Rama Koteswara Rao "PSO- RNN based MPPT of wind energy conversion system", Virtual International Conference on Recent Trends in Power Systems and Power Electronics-2K21 (NEC-VICPSPE-2K21), Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet, Andhra Pradesh, India, July 28th -29th, 2021.
Sponsored Projects
- Modeling and simulation of power network with FACTS controllers using PSCAD