Dr. N.Chaitanya
Associtae Professor
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department
R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering
Guntur - 522 019
Andhra Pradesh
Phone: +91-863-2288201 Ext: 171(O),
E-mail: nc @ rvrjcce.ac.in

Date of Birth:01-07-82
Date of Joining:12-06-06

Educational Qualifications:

Total Teaching experience : 18 Years and 8 Months. (as on 11-03-2025)

Research Interests:Related to Power systems,distributed generation.

Publons citations

Scopus Citations

Google Scholar Citations

ResearchGate Citations

Vidwan ID

Orcid ID

Research Work/Research Papers Published:-
  1. N. Chaitanya, Dr. K.S.R Anjaneyulu, Dr. K. Chandra Sekhar, "Performance analysis of a hybrid power system with basic bidirectional converter", international journal of applied engineering research , Volume . 11, No. 2, March 2016 . (Scopus indexed journal).
  2. N. Chaitanya, Dr. K. Chandra Sekhar , Dr .K.S.R Anjaneyulu , " Current Controller based power management strategy of grid connected parallel inverters for distributed generation applications" ICGST LLC,Delaware, USA, Volume .16, Issue.1, June 2016. (ISI Indexing, Impact factor: 1.523).
  3. N.Chaitanya, Dr.K.S.R.Anjaneyulu,Dr.K.Chandra Sekhar " performance analysis of a hybrid power system with three phase interleaved bidirectional converter" Smart Electric Grid (ISEG), IEEE
  4. M.N.V Subbarayudu, H.L .Pravallika, P.V Avinash, P.Bhavya Sree, N.chaitanya, V.sarayu "Analysis of voltage and current variations in a hybrid power system" IJRST , Volume 2, Issue 3.
  5. "Enhancement of power quality using hybrid fuzzy controlled unified power quality conditioner" in IJESR ,Vol-4 Issue-6, june 2014.
  6. "Performance improvement and evaluation of grid connectd hybrid power systems" in IJETAE Vol-3, Issue -1,January 2013.
  7. "An Algorithm for Unit Maintenance Scheduling" in ANU Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.2, No:1, June 2010, PP.33-40.
  8. "Simulation study of TCSC Facts controller using MATLAB ANU Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol-1,Num-2, Dec.2009, pp.23-29.
  1. "Integrated power management strategy of parallel inverters for distributed Generation system" , (ICACCCT'16 ) IEEE International conference on advanced Communication, control & computing technologies , May 25- 27, 2016 at syed ammal engineering college, ramanathapuram, tamilnadu.
  2. Presented a papaer on "performance analysis of a hybrid power system with three phase interleaved bidirectional converter (ICSEG069)" at ICSEG-2014 at the department of electrical and electronics engineering, KL University .
Workshops / Seminars / Courses Participated Sponsored Projects Membership of Professional Bodies