Dr.Tripura Pidikiti
Associate Professor
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department
R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering
Guntur - 522 019
Andhra Pradesh
Phone: +91 9440163204
Date of Birth:26-07-1980
Date of Joining:28.07.2018
Educational Qualifications:
- Ph.D. in the faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering from JNTUK Kakinada in 2020 with title "Investigations of AC generators for Wind Energy Conversion Systems".
- M.Tech. in Power Electronics and Electric Drives from Vignan's Engineering College(Guntur) affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada in 2009..
- B.Tech. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from NBKR Instutute of Science and technology(Nellore) affiliated to Sri Venkateswara University in 2002.
Teaching Experience:- 18 years
Research Interests : Power Electronics and Drives, Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Solar PV Conversion Systems, Model Predictive control
Publons citations
Scopus Citations
Google Scholar Citations
ResearchGate Citations
Vidwan ID
Orcid ID